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— 本帖被 sunyuting1 执行取消置顶操作(2007-09-06) —
Weng Yu: Learning how to do continues following sound and script cope writing word.

Welcome back to the QQ lesson. Let me tall you how to do continue following sound and script cope writing word?

It is 19:00 in the last night, Weng-Yu have spent the last six hours begin learning how to follow word for the go on hear the tape sound, look the script and cope write the book 2 lesson 4 'Why do you have headache' in the same time with me.
"You need a pencil and a piece of for this lesson; you have to listen, watch and writ it continually in the same time." I said. "Use 20%, follow after me, and let’s begin".
In on time, he repeat cope write it which 5 times to go to 40% form 20%. I wonder he's terrific. He gave me a surprise in 40%. But that a question is writing to be not patty and use pen style mistake.
For this lesson, I told him the way, that how to use the pencil and how import writing the speech.
He running the session, essentially a one-hour introduction to the phenomenon of use pencil, is in front of the QQ class, asking to "a key learning and one big win from today".

Considering the requisition, the day's events run through my mind: the English language exercise in the evening; the writing exercise until midnight; eventually, a few "key learning" spring to mind. How to use the way? How to make he understanding my mind? Everybody, if you like to do, you can look at the FengYe exercise example.

[245 楼] | IP: | Posted: 2006-04-09 09:11

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