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the Pan Gu Abstention

级别: 管理员









  盘古凭借着自己的神力终于把天地开辟出来了。可是盘古也累死了。盘古临死前,他嘴里呼出的气变成了四季飘动的云;声音变成了天空的雷霆;他的左眼变成了太阳,右眼变成了月亮;头发和胡须变成了夜空的星星;他的身体变成了东、西、南、北四极和雄伟的三山五岳;血液变成了江河;筋脉变成了道路;肌肉变成了农田;牙齿、骨骼和骨髓变成了地下矿藏;皮肤和汗毛变成了大地上的草木,汗水变成了雨露。 传说,盘古的精灵魂魄也在他死后变成了人类。所以,都说人类是世上的万物之灵。
  秘道度仙:《隋书经籍志》称元始天尊以天尊之体,常存不灭,每至天地初开,即授以秘道,开劫度人。“所度皆诸天 仙上品,有太上老君、太上丈人、天真皇人、五方天帝及诸仙官”。
  道教关于元始天尊与盘古的演化过程:太上老君一共81化,老子是第十七化——老君生于天地之先,空洞之中。所谓空洞,便是真一之气,此一气生后九十九万亿九十九万岁而生上三气,每气又各相去九十九万亿九十九万岁,三气相合,生无上,也就是虚皇天尊(元始天尊的真寂不动之身,“真灵位业图”第一中位“上合虚皇道君应号元始天尊”便是此义) ,无上生后,又经过如上的岁数,生中三气,每气又各相去九十九万亿九十九万岁,三气相合,生玄老,也就是元始天尊。玄老生后,又经过如上的岁数,生下三气,三合成德,生太上,也就是太上玉晨大道君。道君生后,八十一万亿八十一万岁而生前三气,每气又各相去八十一万亿八十一万岁,三气相合,生太上老君。老君生后,才有太易,太初,太始,太素,太极这五运的天地变化。这是第一化。
  第三化:太虚之气往来乱射,经百亿万气之后,其气才慢慢的往来流行,又号弥罗万梵之气。又经过了九万九千九百九十九亿气之后,结吉祥之气,成一圣人,自号元始天王( 这是元始天尊的化身)。同时生五老(五行之主) ,立年号龙汉。又经如上气数,化生太上道君,立年号赤明。同时生九老,分为九天。又经如上气数,再生太上老君,立年号上皇,时生八公。老君又结阴阳二气,分布天地,万物才齐备。
  王家彦 青县城人
  上联: 日(ri) 日日(zhao) 晶(jing) 日日日日(hua) 朝 天 地
  下联: 月 (yue)朋(peng) 月月月(suo)月月月月(luo) 明 乾 坤
  (上) 开天辟地,位列三才而立已。
  (下) 育世长民,首出万物以为君。
  上联: 大凡生灵皆有本、生之本乎,灵之本乎,合二为一。
  下联: 万有之源始欲斯,天始于斯,地始于新,一分为二。
  盘古氏,人祖也。生于混沌之初,鸿蒙未判之先。穴居而野处,草衣而木食,污尊而抔饮。当此之时也,无三光五岳之名,无三皇五帝之作,无三坟五典之书,列于太易、太初、太始、太素之说也。盘古氏,生参三才而赞两仪,子三皇而孙五帝,盖自是而人极始立,人道始明,人文始著。故曰:一气未分道在天地,两仪既判,道在圣人,盘古氏以之,自是而有卦画,而有结绳,而有网罟人制,何者不自盘古氏肇邪?自是而有耒耜 ,而有衣裳,而有律吕之音,何者不自盘古氏来耶。史弁 三皇,书冠五帝,古今上下知有三皇五帝,而不知有盘古氏,岂荒远在所略耶!侧闻 ,万物本乎天,人本乎祖,不有我祖,何开我人。岂可使古今上下知有我人而不知有我祖也!茫茫堪舆,俯仰无垠,知者盖寡,谁其貌 之。青实故虚也,在邑南十有五里,邃 故迹可寻,第恐庄列之言涉于虚,史传之纪沦于妄,夷考其实,有庙在里,有墓在沟,突兀如昔;自有国有家而即有也。皆青人之所见闻者,矧可绎思 。走童而谒,尚记陈容古貌,精****人。土僧传说:杨仆等建造,弘治戊申刘侯视篆,得陈景春氏作俑,而一新之,犹未备也。讫周侯下车,得孙克晖作倡而大新之。易小以大,易甓 以石,易涂泥而金铁之,使万古不易之基,一旦而改观。祝之而雨,祷之而晴,报应如响,谁之绩欤?谓可无记,以垂永久,昭后来也。记欤,敢从而铭之,铭曰;盘古有庙,青人瞻眺;盘古有像,青人仰望;盘古有沟,青人夷游;盘古有墓,青人慨慕;盘古有门,青人见闻;盘古有里,青人振起;盘古有名,青人勒铭。


4.[引用信息]刘乾先,董莲池,张玉春等 主编.中华文明实录.哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社.2002.第613-614页.

级别: 管理员
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2009-03-29

            the Pan Gu Abstention
The Saint territory volume 001 :great wild geese honored state eternal
                                            the author: Desert day wave
[ 内容简介 ]
   仙、神、圣、天之上便是道级,天道、地道、宇道、宙道为四大古道,金木水火土风雷为七元素之道。  人道,也称盘古道才是大道,古道无情常灭世,众道大战,唯有人道可与之相抗衡。  诺亚、方舟、盘古三人皇皆战死,但却留下了遗产与希望,盘古之地。  ---------------------盘古戒 

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“what place is this?”Dugu has opened the eye strenuously, discovered that oneself places in unexpectedly a piece of starry sky, but this piece of starry sky dodges shoots is light of the purple. Inspects own body, discovered already does not have a damage, the skill also restores almost.
One reactivated once again!
“, you have awaked!”The illusory sound from remote eternal boundless in conveys leisurely as if together, also appears the incomparable vicissitudes is dignified. Afterward the person's shadow obviously melts together comes out, is the horizon unexpectedly!
Dugu: “horizon eldest brother, what place is our in?”Dugu is surprised to Forber's appearance, also exclaimed in surprise that repairs in him is peerless.
Horizon: “here is my world, is also my universe!”
Dugu has publicized the mouth: “your universe!”
Horizon: “, my universe. Today leads you to come here is must tell you some eternal Mixin, place of danger in the Pan Gu layer on layer, I can not but lead you actually to come here, but place of taboo the Pan Gu is extremely formidable I to be also unable to support the very long time, many matters can only recount simply. Lets you have a look at I 1,000,000,000,000 year ago the true self!”The word, the white hair like snow's horizon personal appearance distortion, turned another person's appearance, this person of Dugu also knew.
Dugu: “Forber! Originally horizon eldest brother is Forber, Forber is horizon eldest brother! `the ends of the earth now still, the enormous changes wrought by time ten thousand samsara ' this were just were leaving Chinese catalpa Tongcheng went to the Excalibur mountain village time, I asked that your past, you once to me said that had not thought here bread contained your name.”
The horizon nodded said: “you said right, but I let you look that these 1,000,000,000,000 year ago the face, is not because I am Forber, but is wants to tell you it 1,000,000,000,000 year ago the name: Great wild goose honored!
I then am god Wang Fu think of the language to come the great wild goose which place of the Pan Gu must look honored!
the `ends of the earth still, the enormous changes wrought by time ten thousand samsara ' these words contain now also continue are my horizon this name. Place's of outside Pan Gu many matter Fu Siyu already had already said with you, how clear matter again do I speak she not to you.
In that extremely remote past, the universe initially became, did not divide the world, only had the chaos, was the antique time.
After antique, then had the `world yellow and black, the universe great antiquity ' the name ancient times time, the world starts to form. Was born the day to be unreliable, the glutinous rehmannia, space Hong, eon uncultivated land four governed the sun, the tunnel, the space road, an eon four big ancient road, has formed the world universe basic movement rule as well as the skeleton. At the same time, ancient times essence of the chaos also bred a chaos race's emperor. This time is born the wisdom body is the ancient road level powerhouse!
After ancient times, was the antiquity time, the world already at the beginning of became. Roads of the golden wooden water and fire ballad thunder seven element are born with large quantities of chaos clansmen in this time breeding, these are the level powerhouses. Because is the world universe is born naturally, therefore also calls it `the first sun level '.
The antiquity time, the world in the process which forms, but also has produced the different layer boundary, is called the world of mortals by the practice, the paradise, the god to plunder, the Saint day as well as finally extremely the chaos extremely territory

 I was quite special, am born in ancient times and between the antiquity time.
        After antiquity time, only then has the following other all preliminary high-level life body, the wisdom life body to appear, some unceasingly will even realize from experience the practice, by will stiffen weakly. Their birth is not the world universe breeds, but is the self-evolution, a generation of multiplication comes. The very multi-channel level powerhouse also wants the magical powers which professor they some becomes aware.
         The human, is most typical representative. Is in all life body the potential is biggest. Human's shape is also in all shapes is most perfect, outside all person's high-level life body, can practice person's shape finally, like this continues to practice is more effective.
        Human, after cultivating true virtue crosses successfully another day plunders will become the immortal, after the immortal continues practices crosses successfully another day plunders, to become the god, after the god continues practices crosses successfully another day plunders, to become the Saint, after the Saint continues practices crosses successfully another day plunders, to become the day, but also some even may after the day level continues to practice peeps the world highest good to become the level powerhouse, they calls it after `the sun level '!
           Certainly, after can build, the sun level's powerhouse's proportion is very low, but their cardinal number is actually big, looks like them to have reproduces this kind of instinct to be the same, they also very much like developing their inheritance. Along with time passing, the powerhouse who the practice comes can be getting more and more, the influence is getting more and more huge.
              World universe nature breeding produces the ancient road, the sun level powerhouse often has first is insufferably arrogant the mental disposition, in the powerhouse who the practice comes, also has many people to have challenges the powerhouse to surmount the promotion repairs for the hobby unceasingly, regards as by oneself “the ants” “the dogs and hay worthless thing” the base and low thing, dares to challenge itself unexpectedly, this erupted the conflict on the nature. Especially looks like sun this kind of control to want the greatly strengthened ancient road powerhouse, how can tolerate!

Moreover, these practice come the powerhouses compare between other any powerhouse to want to unite, also has the cohesive force very much. Often a top powerhouse, for example the level master, will lead large quantities of secondary powerhouses, like the day level, the Saint level, the god level powerhouse, with the ancient road level powerhouse, the  first sun level powerhouse will launch the war, will evolve become as `so much  finally a war '!
          Afterward, the ancient road level, in sun level powerhouse's many powerhouses also start to step onto road of the first unity, most unites naturally is the chaos clansman. However, their unity also is only appears in the war time.
               From the first start, the victory is the ancient road level, first one side the sun level powerhouse this, this naturally will also cause to win in the future also belongs to them. When the practice already had the threat to oneself, they will start to extinguish kill the motion, will be called `to extinguish the world ', 100,000,000,000 year about time will develop one time, these 100,000,000,000 years is also called `to plunder '!
            when  Extinguishes of the world, the world myriad things, the universe starry sky, the big piece  by the disintegration, all approaching is returned to the antiquity, the ancient times even to enter the close antique time the condition. The surviving powerhouse is pleasantly surprised the discovery, returns after that kind of time condition, their strength can better obtain the enhancement, moreover is enhances largely.
          However, this also caused the ancient road level powerhouse to have the contradiction with the first sun level powerhouses, the ancient road level master naturally is hoped that the return more remote was better, but the sun level powerhouse might not such think first, if struck back the ancient times time not to mean that they are also extinguished have killed! After striking back, needs the similar resources powerhouse, also will have competes, each benefit dispute produced.
            At the same time, this batch of ancient road level, the sun level powerhouses discovered first, these practice come after the powerhouse is extinguished kills, the world universe overall resources increase. The day level, then had a side world which one practice comes, a piece of world; Says the level, had own or several microcosms, is also the potential surface or the galaxy even galaxy group, the galaxy group also becomes the constellation. Oneself has world universe bigger consummation, then the strength is stronger, this is between all road level powerhouse a judgment strong and the weak most important sign.
              Therefore, after this batch of ancient road level, the sun level powerhouse only then a time extinguishes the world first, also allows the world myriad things rebirth, also presents one group of practice powerhouse. In order to accelerate this process, even uses the magical powers to be epoch-making, makes the myriad things life, and passes to them to practice the law, will let them will soon become enough, oneself can quicker the resources which will obtain formidable then needs.
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2009-03-29




































      第二天狮神手托两扇石磨来到盘古山顶。按落云头高声喊道:“玉帝有令,命我把这两扇磨交给你兄妹二人各一扇,你们分别站在东西两个山顶,听我口令一齐放手,让石磨自动滚下山去。两扇磨若合在一起必须成婚,若不合在一起,任你们挑选。”盘古兄妹暗想,两扇磨相距那么远, 滚下去各自要经很多的沟坎,想使两扇合在一起,没有那么巧的事,勉强同意了。











    泌阳县东南约二十五里处有个小集镇,名叫大磨街。大磨街的"大磨"有多大? 民间流传的一首歌谣说得好:"大磨,大磨,百人没把握,磨齿数不清,磨眼摸不着。并行两辆车,两边还赌博。人称无价宝,盘古青石磨。"其实这块磨和一般磨大小一样,因为它是盘古爷与盘古奶滚磨成亲留下的唯一纪念物,所以名气就大了。
























    石狮子说:“别哭了,你就把乌龟壳对拢起来吧。”妹妹把大小四五十块乌龟壳对在一起,石狮子一跳,泥土溅在乌龟壳上,乌 龟壳粘在一起了。从此乌龟壳上就有一块块的花纹。











级别: 管理员
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2009-03-29

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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. (February 2007)

For the 1st century Chinese historian, see Ban Gu.
For the town in Nepal, see Pangu, Nepal.

Portrait of Pangu from Sancai TuhuiPangu (Traditional: 盤古; Simplified: 盘古; pinyin: Pángǔ; Wade-Giles: P'an ku) was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology.

Contents [hide]
1 The Pangu legend
2 Source documents
3 Origin of this myth
4 Other Chinese creation myths
5 Other Pangu myth
6 Pangu worship
7 See also

[edit] The Pangu legend
In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. However this chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg for about 18,000 years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of Yin and Yang became balanced and Pangu emerged (or woke up) from the egg. Pangu is usually depicted as a primitive, hairy giant with horns on his head and clad in furs. Pangu set about the task of creating the world: he separated Yin from Yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky Yin) and the Sky (clear Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up the Sky. This task took 18,000 years; with each day the sky grew ten feet higher, the Earth ten feet wider, and Pangu ten feet taller. In some versions of the story, Pangu is aided in this task by the four most prominent beasts, namely the Turtle, the Qilin, the Phoenix, and the Dragon. After the 18,000 years had elapsed, Pangu was laid to rest. His breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; left eye the sun and right eye the moon; his body became the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood formed rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his facial hair the stars and milky way; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals; his bone marrows sacred diamonds; his sweat fell as rain; and the fleas on his fur carried by the wind became the fish and animals throughout the land. Nüwa the Goddess then used the mud of the water bed to form the shape of humans. These humans were very smart since they were individually crafted. Nüwa then became bored of individually making every human so she started putting a rope in the water bed and lettings the drops of mud that fell from it become new humans. These small drops became new humans, not as smart as the first. The first writer to record the myth of Pangu was Xu Zheng (徐整) during the Three Kingdoms (三國) period.

[edit] Source documents
Xu Zheng (徐整; pinyin: Xú Zhěng; 220-265 AD), in the book "Three Five Historic Records" (三五歷紀; pinyin: Sānwǔ Lìjì, Sanwu Liji), is the first to mention Pangu in the story "Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth".
Ge Hong (葛洪; pinyin: Gě Hóng; 284-364 AD), in the book "Master of Preserving Simplicity Inner Writings" (抱朴子内篇; pinyin: Baopuzi Neipian), describes Pangu (ETC Werner, Myths & Legends of China, 1922).
Ouyang Xun (欧阳询; pinyin: Ōuyáng Xún; 557-641 AD), in the book "Classified Anthology of Literary Works" (藝文類聚; pinyin: Yiwen Leiju), also refers to Pangu.
Carus, Paul (1852-1919) in the book "Chinese Astrology, Early Chinese Occultism" (1974) based on an earlier book by the same author "Chinese Thought", published in 1907.

[edit] Origin of this myth
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable references (ideally, using inline citations). Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2008)

Three main views emerge to describe the origin of the Pangu myth.

The first is that the story is indigenous, and developed or was transmitted through time to Xu Zheng. The evidence for this is slender indeed. It can only be assumed from the following discussion:
Senior Scholar Wei Juxian states that the Pangu story is derived from Western Zhou Dynasty (西周朝) stories 1000 years earlier. He cites the story of Zhong (重) and Li (黎) in the "Chuyu" section of the ancient classics Guoyu (國語). In it, the King Zhao of Chu asked Guanshefu (观射父) a question: "What did ancient classic "Zhou Shu" mean by the sentence that Zhong and Li caused the heaven and earth to disconnect from each other?" The "Zhou Shu" sentence he refers to is about an earlier person, Luu Xing, who is having a conversation with the King Mu of Zhou (周穆王). King Mu's reign is much earlier and dates to about 1001 to 946 BC. In their conversation, they discuss the "disconnection" between heaven and earth.
An indirect but possibly more substantive conclusion is that China is unique in not "creating" its creator. In this view, Xu Zheng (徐整) (or a relatively recent predecessor) perpetuates the Pangu myth from other cultural influences:
Professor Qin Naichang, head of the Guangxi Institute for Nationality Studies proposes the myth originated in Laibin city, Guangxi, in the center of the Pearl River Valley. He believes that there are older stories of Pangu from this region and that they originally involved two people. He suggests China has no myth about the creation of the universe and that the Chinese mythology of Pangu had come from India, Egypt, or Babylon. Apparently, this story mingled in with the origin stories of other cultures, eventually changing into the later narrative more popular today.
This is professor Qin's reconstruction of the true creation myth preceding the myth of Pangu. Note that it is not actually a creation myth:
"A brother and his sister became the only survivors of the prehistoric Deluge by crouching in a gourd that floated on water. The two got married afterwards, and a mass of flesh in the shape of a whetstone was born. They chopped it and the pieces turned into large crowds of people, who began to reproduce again. The couple were named 'Pan' and 'Gou' in the Zhuang ethnic language, which stand for whetstone and gourd respectively."
From Paul Carus, Chinese Astrology, Early Chinese Occultism, 1974, from an earlier book by the same author, Chinese Thought, 1907, Chapter on “Chinese Occultism.” Note: in 1907 the Wade-Giles system of transliteration was used.
“P’an-Ku: The basic idea of the yih philosophy was so convincing that it almost obliterated the Taoist cosmology of P’an-Ku who is said to have chiseled the world out of the rocks of eternity. Though the legend is not held in high honor by the literati, it contains some features of interest which have not as yet been pointed out and deserve at least an incidental comment.
“P’an-Ku is written in two ways: one means in literal translations, “basin ancient”, the other “basin solid”. Both are homophones, i.e., they are pronounced the same way; and the former may be preferred as the original and correct spelling. Obviously the name means “aboriginal abyss,” or in the terser German, Urgrund, and we have reason to believe it to be a translation of the Babylonian Tiamat, “the Deep.”
“The Chinese legend tells us that P’an-Ku’s bones changed to rocks; his flesh to earth; his marrow, teeth and nails to metals; his hair to herbs and trees; his veins to rivers; his breath to wind; and his four limbs became pillars marking the four corners of the world, -- which is a Chinese version not only of the Norse myth of the Giant Ymir, but also of the Babylonian story of Tiamat.
“Illustrations of P’an-Ku represent him in the company of supernatural animals that symbolize old age or immortality, viz., the tortoise and the crane; sometimes also the dragon, the emblem of power, and the phenix, the emblem of bliss.
“When the earth had thus been shaped from the body of P’an-Ku, we are told that three great rivers successively governed the world: first the celestial, then the terrestrial, and finally the human sovereign. They were followed by Yung-Ch’eng and Sui-Jen (i.e., fire-man) the later being the Chinese Prometheus, who brought the fire down from heaven and taught man its various uses.
“The Prometheus myth is not indigenous to Greece, where it received the artistically classical form under which it is best known to us. The name, which by an ingenious afterthought is explained as “the fore thinker,” is originally the sanskrit pramantha and means “twirler” or “fire-stick,” being the rod of hard wood which produced fire by rapid rotation in a piece of soft wood.
“We cannot deny that the myth must have been known also in Mesopotamia, the main center of civilization between India and Greece, and it becomes probable that the figure Sui-Jen has been derived from the same prototype as the Greek Prometheus.”

[edit] Other Chinese creation myths
This myth appears to have been preceded in ancient Chinese literature by the existence of Shangdi or Taiyi. Other Chinese myths, such as those of Nuwa, or the Jade Emperor, try to explain how people were created; and do not necessarily represent "world creation" myths. It is important to note there are many variations of these myths.

[edit] Other Pangu myth
Pangu is also honored as the creator of the world in Buyei legend, but in addition, he is also honored as the ancestor of Buyei people. According to the Buyei legend, Pangu became an expert in rice farming after creating the world, and subsequently married the daughter of Dragon King, and that was the beginning of Buyei people. The daughter of Dragon King and Pangu had a son named Xinheng (新横) but later, the son disrespected his mother, and the angry mother returned to heaven and never came down, despite the repeated pleas of her husband and son. Pangu was forced to remarry and eventually died on the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar and Xinheng's nightmare had begun. The stepmother treated Xinheng badly and almost killed him, and the angry Xinheng threatened to destroy the rice harvest of his stepmother. Realizing her mistake, the stepmother made peace with Xinheng and since then, on every sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, they paid their respect to Pangu. The day became an important traditional Buyei holiday for ancestral worship. This legend of creation is one of the main characteristics that distinguishes Buyei from Zhuang.

[edit] Pangu worship
Pangu is worshipped at a number of shrines in contemporary China. However, most if not all of these are modern creations built since the 1970s. In these shrines, Pangu is usually depicted in stereotypical "caveman" regalia, with leopard-skin tunics and long hair. Taoist symbols, such as the Bagua, are associated with Pangu in these shrines.

The Pangu King Temple built in 1809 is located in Guangzhou Province, NW Huadu District (west of G106 / north of S118), north of Shiling Town at the foot of the Pangu King Mountain (http://www.luopan.com/t/en_US/510000L000158.html). The Huadu District is located north of Guangzhou to the west of the Baiyun International Airport.

[edit] See also
Chinese creation myth
First man or woman
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Pan Gu Makes the World

In the beginning , the heavens and earth were still one and all was chaos. The universe was like a big black egg, carrying Pan Gu inside itself. After 18 thousand years Pan Gu woke from a long sleep. He felt suffocated, so he took up a broadaxe and wielded it with all his might to crack open the egg. The light, clear part of it floated up and formed the heavens, the cold, turbid matter stayed below to form earth. Pan Gu stood in the middle, his head touching the sky, his feet planted on the earth. The heavens and the earth began to grow at a rate of ten feet per day, and Pan Gu grew along with them. After another 18 thousand years, the sky was higher, the earth thicker, and Pan Gu stood between them like a pillar 9 million li in height so that they would never join again.

When Pan Gu died, his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder. One eye became the sun and one the moon. His body and limbs turned to five big mountains and his blood formed the roaring water. His veins became far-stretching roads and his muscles fertile land. The innumerable stars in the sky came from his hair and beard, and flowers and trees from his skin and the fine hairs on his body. His marrow turned to jade and pearls. His sweat flowed like the good rain and sweet dew that nurtured all things on earth. According to some versions of the Pan Gu legend, his tears flowed to make rivers and radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lighting. When he was happy the sun shone, but when he was angry black clouds gathered in the sky. One version of the legend has it that the fleas and lice on his body became the ancestors of mankind.

The Pan Gu story has become firmly fixed in Chinese tradition. There is even an saying relating to it: 'Since Pan Gu created earth and the heavens', meaning 'for a very long time'. Nevertheless, it is rather a latecomer to the catalogue of Chinese legends. The first mention of it is in a book on Chinese myths written by Xu Zheng in the Three Kingdoms period (AD 220-265). Some opinions hold that it originated in south China or southeast Asia.

There are several versions of the Pan Gu story.

Among the Miao, Yao, Li and other nationalities of south China, a legend concerns Pan Gu the ancestor of all mankind, with a man's body and a dog's head. It runs like this:

Up in Heaven the god in charge of the earth, King Gao Xin, owned a beautiful spotted dog. He reared him on a plate (pan in Chinese) inside a gourd (hu, which is close to the sound gu), so the dog was known as Pan Gu. Among the gods there was great enmity between King Gao Xin and his rival King Fang. "Whoever can bring me the head of King Fang may marry my daughter" he proclaimed, but nobody was willing to try because they were afraid of King Fang's strong soldiers and sturdy horses.

The dog Pan Gu overheard what was said, and when Gao Xin was sleeping, slipped out of the palace and ran to King Fang. The latter was glad to see him standing there wagging his tail. " You see, King Gao Xin is near his end. Even his dog has left him" Fang said, and held a banquet for the occasion with the dog at his side.

At midnight when all was quiet and Fang was overcome with drink, Pan Gu jumped onto the king's bed, bit off his head and ran back to his master with it . King Gao Xin was overjoyed to see the head of his rival, and gave orders to bring Pan Gu some fresh meat. But Pan Gu left the meat untouched and curled himself up in a corner to sleep. For three days he ate nothing and did not stir.

The king was puzzled and asked, " Why don't you eat? Is it because I failed to keep my promise of marrying a dog?" To his surprise Pan Gu began to speak. "Don't worry, my King. Just cover me with your golden bell and in seven days and seven nights I'll become a man." The King did as he said, but on the sixth day, fearing he would starve to death, out of solicitude the princess peeped under the bell. Pan Gu's body had already changed into that of a man, but his head was still that of a dog. However, once the bell was raised, the magic change stopped, and he had to remain a man with a dog's head.

He married the princess, but she didn't want to be seen with such a man so they moved to the earth and settled in the remote mountains of south China. There they lived happily and had four children, three boys and a girl, who became the ancestors of mankind.

In south China Pan Gu is known as King Pan, and temples and pavilions were once built in his honour.

Pan Gu Creates the World  

Chinese legend says Pan Gu created the world by separating the heaven and the earth from chaos. In the beginning, the universe was like an egg and there was only chaos in the egg. Pan Gu had slept in the egg for over 18,000 years. Then one day, he woke up and cracked the egg into pieces. By separating the heavy and light parts of the egg, he created the heaven and the earth. Pan Gu stood on the earth and held up the heaven using his hands, and then he had grown with the heaven until the form of the world for another 18,000 years. For more information about Pan Gu, check out the following links.

About Pan Gu

Beginning of the World

Pan Gu Makes the World

Pan Gu Creates Heaven and Earth

The Story of Pan Gu

Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth

Chinese Myths
Historic Legends & Tales

Myths and Legends

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In Chinese Daoist legend, the first man. He came forth from Chaos (an egg) with two horns, two tusks, and a hairy body. He used his knowledge of yin-yang to separate heaven and earth, set the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets in place, and divide the four seas. He also shaped the earth by chiseling out valleys and stacking up mountains. Another legend says that the universe derived from Pan Gu's gigantic corpse. His eyes became the Sun and Moon, his blood formed rivers, his hair grew into trees and plants, and the human race sprang from parasites that infested his body. In art, he is often shown as a dwarf clothed with leaves.
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Asian Mythology: Pangu  
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Pangu the giant was the first living creature in the Chinese creation myth (see Chinese Cosmogony).

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For the 1st century Chinese historian, see Ban Gu.
For the town in Nepal, see Pangu, Nepal.
Portrait of Pangu from Sancai TuhuiPangu (Traditional: 盤古; Simplified: 盘古; pinyin: Pángǔ; Wade-Giles: P'an ku) was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology.

Contents [hide]
1 The Pangu legend
2 Source documents
3 Origin of this myth
4 Other Chinese creation myths
5 Other Pangu myth
6 Pangu worship
7 See also

The Pangu legend
In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. However this chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg for 18,000 years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of Yin and Yang became balanced and Pangu emerged (or woke up) from the egg. Pangu is usually depicted as a primitive, hairy giant with horns on his head (like the Greek Pan) and clad in furs. Pangu set about the task of creating the world: he separated Yin from Yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky Yin) and the Sky (clear Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up the Sky. This task took 18,000 years; with each day the sky grew ten feet higher, the Earth ten feet wider, and Pangu ten feet taller. In some versions of the story, Pangu is aided in this task by the four most prominent beasts, namely the Turtle, the Qilin, the Phoenix, and the Dragon. After the 18,000 years had elapsed, Pangu was laid to rest. His breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; right eye the sun and left eye the moon; his body became the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood formed rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his facial hair the stars and milky way; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals; his bone marrows sacred diamonds; his sweat fell as rain; and the fleas on his fur carried by the wind became the fish and animals throughout the land. Nugua the Goddess then used the mud of the water bed to form the shape of humans. These humans were very smart since they were individually crafted. Nugua then became bored of individually making every human so she started putting a rope in the water bed and lettings the drops of mud that fell from it become new humans. These small drops became new humans, not as smart as the first. The first writer to record the myth of Pangu was Xu Zheng (徐整) during the Three Kingdoms (三國) period.

Source documents
Xu Zheng (徐整; pinyin: Xú Zhěng; 220-265 AD), in the book "Three Five Historic Records" (三五歷紀; pinyin: Sānwǔ Lìjì, Sanwu Liji), is the first to mention Pangu in the story "Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth".
Ge Hong (葛洪; pinyin: Gě Hóng; 284-364 AD), in the book "Master of Preserving Simplicity Inner Writings" (抱朴子内篇; pinyin: Baopuzi Neipian), describes Pangu (ETC Werner, Myths & Legends of China, 1922).
Ouyang Xun (欧阳询; pinyin: Ōuyáng Xún; 557-641 AD), in the book "Classified Anthology of Literary Works" (藝文類聚; pinyin: Yiwen Leiju), also refers to Pangu.
Carus, Paul (1852-1919) in the book "Chinese Astrology, Early Chinese Occultism" (1974) based on an earlier book by the same author "Chinese Thought", published in 1907.

Origin of this myth This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2008)

Three main views emerge to describe the origin of the Pangu myth.

The first is that the story is indigenous, and developed or was transmitted through time to Xu Zheng. The evidence for this is slender indeed. It can only be assumed from the following discussion:
Senior Scholar Wei Juxian states that the Pangu story is derived from Western Zhou Dynasty (西周朝) stories 1000 years earlier. He cites the story of Zhong (重) and Li (黎) in the "Chuyu" section of the ancient classics Guoyu (國語). In it, the King Zhao of Chu asked Guanshefu (观射父) a question: "What did ancient classic "Zhou Shu" mean by the sentence that Zhong and Li caused the heaven and earth to disconnect from each other?" The "Zhou Shu" sentence he refers to is about an earlier person, Luu Xing, who is having a conversation with the King Mu of Zhou (周穆王). King Mu's reign is much earlier and dates to about 1001 to 946 BC. In their conversation, they discuss the "disconnection" between heaven and earth.
An indirect but possibly more substantive conclusion is that China is unique in not "creating" its creator. In this view, Xu Zheng (徐整) (or a relatively recent predecessor) perpetuates the Pangu myth from other cultural influences:
Professor Qin Naichang, head of the Guangxi Institute for Nationality Studies proposes the myth originated in Laibin city, Guangxi, in the center of the Pearl River Valley. He believes that there are older stories of Pangu from this region and that they originally involved two people. He suggests China has no myth about the creation of the universe and that the Chinese mythology of Pangu had come from India, Egypt, or Babylon. Apparently, this story mingled in with the origin stories of other cultures, eventually changing into the later narrative more popular today.
This is professor Qin's reconstruction of the true creation myth preceding the myth of Pangu. Note that it is not actually a creation myth:
"A brother and his sister became the only survivors of the prehistoric Deluge by crouching in a gourd that floated on water. The two got married afterwards, and a mass of flesh in the shape of a whetstone was born. They chopped it and the pieces turned into large crowds of people, who began to reproduce again. The couple were named 'Pan' and 'Gou' in the Zhuang ethnic language, which stand for whetstone and gourd respectively."
From Paul Carus, Chinese Astrology, Early Chinese Occultism, 1974, from an earlier book by the same author, Chinese Thought, 1907, Chapter on “Chinese Occultism.” Note: in 1907 the Wade-Giles system of transliteration was used.
“P’an-Ku: The basic idea of the yih philosophy was so convincing that it almost obliterated the Taoist cosmology of P’an-Ku who is said to have chiseled the world out of the rocks of eternity. Though the legend is not held in high honor by the literati, it contains some features of interest which have not as yet been pointed out and deserve at least an incidental comment.
“P’an-Ku is written in two ways: one means in literal translations, “basin ancient”, the other “basin solid”. Both are homophones, i.e., they are pronounced the same way; and the former may be preferred as the original and correct spelling. Obviously the name means “aboriginal abyss,” or in the terser German, Urgrund, and we have reason to believe it to be a translation of the Babylonian Tiamat, “the Deep.”
“The Chinese legend tells us that P’an-Ku’s bones changed to rocks; his flesh to earth; his marrow, teeth and nails to metals; his hair to herbs and trees; his veins to rivers; his breath to wind; and his four limbs became pillars marking the four corners of the world, -- which is a Chinese version not only of the Norse myth of the Giant Ymir, but also of the Babylonian story of Tiamat.
“Illustrations of P’an-Ku represent him in the company of supernatural animals that symbolize old age or immortality, viz., the tortoise and the crane; sometimes also the dragon, the emblem of power, and the phenix, the emblem of bliss.
“When the earth had thus been shaped from the body of P’an-Ku, we are told that three great rivers successively governed the world: first the celestial, then the terrestrial, and finally the human sovereign. They were followed by Yung-Ch’eng and Sui-Jen (i.e., fire-man) the later being the Chinese Prometheus, who brought the fire down from heaven and taught man its various uses.
“The Prometheus myth is not indigenous to Greece, where it received the artistically classical form under which it is best known to us. The name, which by an ingenious afterthought is explained as “the fore thinker,” is originally the sanskrit pramantha and means “twirler” or “fire-stick,” being the rod of hard wood which produced fire by rapid rotation in a piece of soft wood.
“We cannot deny that the myth must have been known also in Mesopotamia, the main center of civilization between India and Greece, and it becomes probable that the figure Sui-Jen has been derived from the same prototype as the Greek Prometheus.”

Other Chinese creation myths
This myth appears to have been preceded in ancient Chinese literature by the existence of Shangdi or Taiyi. Other Chinese myths, such as those of Nuwa, or the Jade Emperor, try to explain how people were created; and do not necessarily represent "world creation" myths. It is important to note there are many variations of these myths.

Other Pangu myth
Pangu is also honored as the creator of the world in Buyei legend, but in addition, he is also honored as the ancestor of Buyei people. According to the Buyei legend, Pangu became an expert in rice farming after creating the world, and subsequently married the daughter of Dragon King, and that was the beginning of Buyei people. The daughter of Dragon King and Pangu had a son named Xinheng (新横) but later, the son disrespected his mother, and the angry mother returned to heaven and never came down, despite the repeated pleas of her husband and son. Pangu was forced to remarry and eventually died on the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar and Xinheng's nightmare had begun. The stepmother treated Xinheng badly and almost killed him, and the angry Xinheng threatened to destroy the rice harvest of his stepmother. Realizing her mistake, the stepmother made peace with Xinheng and since then, on every sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, they paid their respect to Pangu. The day became an important traditional Buyei holiday for ancestral worship. This legend of creation is one of the main characteristics that distinguishes Buyei from Zhuang.

Pangu worship
Pangu is worshipped at a number of shrines in contemporary China. However, most if not all of these are modern creations built since the 1970s. In these shrines, Pangu is usually depicted in stereotypical "caveman" regalia, with leopard-skin tunics and long hair. Taoist symbols, such as the Bagua, are associated with Pangu in these shrines.

See also
Chinese creation myth
First man or woman

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Chinese Mythology

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Creation of Heaven and Earth by Pangu is the creative myth that was spread in the Orient in ancient times.

Story has it that the heaven and earth were integrated into one body that resembles an egg, with Pangu slept inside. He slept for about 18000 years and then awoke. He found that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he expanded his huge hands and cut into the darkness. After an explosion, the heaven and earth started to split. He feared that the heaven and earth may come together again, so he held the heaven with his hands and trod his legs on the land. His body grew three meters every day. Consequently, the distance between the heaven and earth became three meters longer every day. Time flies! Another 18000 years passed and now, the heaven became far away from the earth and the earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to a huge man. During this period, the heaven continued ascending and expanding while the earth sinking and thickening until the distance between them was as far as 90,000 kilometers which had reached the extreme. That was the condition of the universe in our eyes at present. Pangu gradually weakened after he separated the heaven and the earth. After he died, his body turned into all the things in the universe. His left eye became the sun and his right eye, the moon. The protruded parts in his body turn out to be high mountains and his blood became rivers. His muscle became the soil field, and his hair and beard became the stars on the sky and grasses on the ground. His teeth and bones turned out to be iron and huge stone while the essence in his body became pearls and precious jade. His breath became the wind and cloud, his shout became the thunderbolt, and the sweat turned out to be the rain. A lot of insects on his body were blown by wind into living human beings. This story was first appeared in Sanwu Liji written by Xu Zheng in the Three Kingdoms Period.

The myth of Pangu was pervasively spread among the southern ethnic minorities long long ago. Both of the Miao and Yao people took Pangu as their ancestors. So far, the Zhuang people are still singing "Song about Pangu Creating the Heaven and Earth". The song goes like this: Pangu split the heaven and the earth, and created the sun, moon and other stars. It is thanks to Pangu that human beings can get brightness... From historical record and oral tales, we can detect the evolution trace of the myth of Pangu in the process of spreading. Pangu split the heaven and the earth, seeded all the things in the universe and turned into the heaven and the earth. He is not only the god that created the world but also the hero who broke darkness and sought brightness. Pangu will forever remain living in the minds of generations after generations of the Chinese people.

Who is Pan Gu?
Every culture has its own legend about how the universe began. Pan Gu is the Chinese version of Adam Kadmon, the primordial person in Kabbalistic thought, ...

Chinese Legends Of Emperor Huangdi And How The World Was Formed

Chinese Legends, translated and sent to me by my friend, Yin Cheng Chang of Hunan Province, because whenever I visit China, I am always buying books about Chinese Legends and the Chinese Classics! I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I have done.

Chinese legends about Emperors and the gods they petitioned for guidance and help, are amongst the many Chinese classic stories, that have become subjects of films and television programs. Every country has its share of legends in one form or another, and the Chinese Legends compare favourably with any of them. England has its legend of Saint George who slew a troublesome dragon. Hanoi in Vietnam has a legend of a sword-bearing turtle in Hoan Kiem Lake. Is the story of, 'Jack and The Beanstalk', a legend or a fairystory?

There are many Chinese Legends about the Emperors, but before they came into existence, Pangu was born and separated Ying and Yang. The Chinese Legend about Pangu, the first born in the universe, and the changes that occured during the last moments of his life, in some ways compare with the religious scriptures about the creation of the world. In the Chinese Legend of Pangu, the ancestors of all men and women of this world were the insects on his body.

Chinese Legend Of Emperor Huangdi And His Half-Brother
Emperor Yangdi shared the country with his half brother Emperor Huangdi. Huangdi ruled by virtue, but Yangdi did not. They fought a battle in the Plain Of Zhulu where so much blood was shed that weapons floated on it.
(Yi Shi - A Book of History.)

Chinese legend of how Emperor Huangdi fought Emperor Yangdi in the Plain Of Banquan (also called Plain Of Zhulu) His vanguard was made up of bears, wolves, pheasants, eagles and kites.
(Lie Zi - Writings Of Lie Yu Kou.)

Emperor Huangdi And His Black Pearl In A Chinese Legend.
There is a Chinese legend of how Emperor Huangdi traveled to the northern side of the Chishui River and climbed the Kunlun Mountains. On the way back he lost his black pearl. He sent Zhi, a clever god, to find it, but Zhi failed. Then he sent Lizhu, a god with a sharp eye, who also failed. Then he sent Chigou, a god good at debating, who again failed. The Chinese Ledend tells how he finally sent Xiangwang, a careless absent-minded god, and Xiangwang found it. "It is really strange", the Emperor exclaimed, "that Xiangwang should have got it !"

Emperor Huangdi Subdues Four Other Emperors
In the early days of his reign, according to Chinese Legends, Emperor Huangdi was devoted to self-cultivation, he loved his people and had no interest in warfare. Four chiefs, claimed that they were the Blue Emperor, the Red Emperor, the White Emperor and the Black Emperor, according to the color of the direction that each of them was situated. The Chinese Legend says that the four conspired together and daily harassed the frontier areas. The soldiers were always on the alert, unable to take off their helmets and armour for a moment. Emperor Huangdi said "If the King is not safe, his subjects will have no security. If the King loses his country, his officials will serve other rulers just like women re-marrying other men. Is such a disaster not caused by giving the enemy too much freedom ? Now I am ruler of all the people, but the bandits dare to defy me and provoke my troops frequently."

So he went to the frontier forts and subdued the four Emperors.

A Chinese Legend Of How Pangu Separates The Sky From The Earth.
According to the Chinese Legend, the sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity, like an egg. Pangu was born into it. The separation of the sky and the earth took eighteen thousand years; the Yang which was light and pure rose to become the sky, and the Yin which was heavy and murky sank to form the earth. Between them was Pangu, who went through nine changes every day, his wisdom greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth. Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller.

Another eighteen thousand years passed, and there was an extremely high sky, an extremely thick earth and an extremely tall Pangu. Then came the three Emperors. The Chinese Legend states that these numbers came into existence and evolved like this:- The numbers begin with one, become established as three, are completed at five, prosper at seven and end in nine. So the sky is ninety thousand li from the earth.

" " " "Pangu, appearing in literature no earlier than about 200 AD, was the first sentient being and creator. In the beginning there was nothing but a formless chaos. Out of this chaos there was born an egg for eighteen thousand years. When the forces of Yin and Yang balanced, Pangu emerged from the egg, and set about the task of creating the world. He separated Yin and Yang with a swing of his great axe. The heavy Yin sank to become the Earth, while the light Yang rose to become the Heavens. Pangu stood between them, and pushed up the sky. At the end of eighteen thousand years, Pangu laid to rest. His breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; left eye the sun and right eye the moon; his body became the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood formed rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his facial hair the stars and milky way; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals; his bone marrows sacred diamonds; his sweat fell as rain; and the little creatures on his body (in some versions, the fleas), carried by the wind, became human beings all over the world. " " " " Src: Wikipedia

Chinese Legend of How Pangu Turns Into Myriads Of Things
Pangu, who was born before anything else, underwent great bodily changes when he was dying. His breath became the winds and clouds, his voice thunder, his left eye the moon, his arms and legs the four poles of the earth, and the five parts of his body, the five mountains. His blood formed the rivers and his veins the roads. His flesh and skin became the soil of the fields and his hair and moustache the stars. The fine hair on his skin turned into grasses and trees, his teeth and bones became metals and rocks. His marrow changed to pearls and jade and his sweat fell as rain that nourished all things. The insects on his body, caressed by the winds, took the shape of men and women.

Nuwa Makes Rich Men, and Poor Men, in Chinese Legends
It is said that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated. In the Chinese Legends it is said that Nuwa made men by moulding yellow clay. The work was so taxing, that her strength was not equal to it, so she dipped a rope into the mud and then lifted it. The mud that dripped from the rope also became men. Those made by moulding yellow clay were rich and noble, while those made by lifting the rope were poor and low.
(Yi Shi - A Book of History.)
Nuwa Mends The Sky With Melted Rocks In Chinese Legend
In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open. The sky could not cover all the things under it, nor could the earth carry all the things on it. A great fire raged and would not die out; a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked; savage beasts devoured innocent people, and vicious birds preyed on the weak and old.

The Nuwa melted rocks of five colors and used them to mend the cracks in the sky. She supported the four corners of the sky with legs which she had cut off a giant turtle. She killed the black dragon to save the people of Jizhou, and blocked the floods with the ashes of reeds. Thus the sky was mended, its four corners lifted, the flood tamed, Jizhou pacified, harmful birds and beasts killed, and the innocent people were able to live on the square earth under the dome of the sky. It was the time when birds, beasts, insects and snakes no longer used their claws or teeth or poisonous sting, for they did not want to catch or eat weaker things.

Nuwa's deeds benefited the heavens above and the earth below. Her name was remembered by later generations and her light shone on every creation. Now she was traveling on a thunder-chariot drawn by a two winged dragon and two green hornless dragons, with auspicious objects in her hands and a special mattress underneath her. She was surrounded by golden clouds, a white dragon leading the way and a flying snake following behind.

Floating freely over the clouds, she took ghosts and gods to the ninth heaven and had an audience with the Heavenly Emperor at Lin Men, where she rested in peace and dignity under the Emperor. She never boasted of her achievements, nor did she try to win any renown; she wanted to conceal her virtues, in line with the ways of the universe.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Finally, here is a translation of a Chinese Song sent to me by my friend Zhong Ri Sheng of Guangxi Province.

Zhun Shi Hao leaves his family and friends,
Works hard to earn a living,
His life is like an actor's,
His face does not show the feelings of his heart and mind.
Rice wine is his comfort to sleep,
He thinks of the brave sailors,
Fighting through wind and rain.
In his half-sleep he hears the sailors say,
"This heartache does not matter,
Don't fear for the future,
At least we can still have our dreams."
Zhun Shi Hao wipes away his tears.
Don't ask why !

级别: 管理员
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2009-03-29
         Long life, those who do not have the matter really to do was too bored, they also did not have what matter well to do, created the world to this to extinguish the world to have the interest, also invested. One occasionally also play the reincarnation samsara, tastes the world hundred condition.
             The reason that the practice becomes the powerhouse strength is inferior to these ancient road level, the first sun level powerhouse, on the one hand is because has not waited for the practice to achieve them highly to extinguish kills; On the other hand, is also most important, on the one hand, that is the ancient road level, the sun level powerhouse they are the world universe highest good incarnation first, the practice cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine not is repairing them, to study them? They have also controlled in the world universe that part of overwhelming majority resources, cannot fight with them.
            Moreover, approaching is a practice, the practice is carries on the practice through between the absorption dissociation and the world each kind of world divine and wonderful spirit, and feels becomes aware road of each kind of utilization. These resources or have not been controlled by these powerhouses the terrestrial pole few part of resources, like this measures are too few, is unable with it to contend with radically; Or was the absorption belongs to these powerhouse's resources, the result is has become their part, must receive their enormous restriction at least. These practice have the creation ability, also just is belongs between the world existence to unfold originally by another kind of shape.
               However, some practice, through the very few resources' absorption, develop own potential unceasingly, creates many existences, also only then these practice can repair all day long the level, the road level powerhouse. But they more or less have absorbed many world between universe existences and so on world divine and wonderful spirit, therefore they are impossible to achieve or to surmount these ancient road level, the first sun level powerhouse.
               Some top powerhouse, thought that if has a place not any world divine and wonderful spirit, the practice depends upon completely develops own potential, grows out of nothing, true creation, then not may get rid of this kind of fetter, achieved even is surmounting the first sun level, the ancient road level powerhouse!

    The person such one kind of existence, hopefully achieves. Because they will practice the martial arts to produce them saying that to a Yuan existence, materially this will be gas of really the chaos, will be the chaos essence, will live!
            But in this kind of situation's practice speed is slow, the difficulty is also big, also does not exist does not have any world divine and wonderful spirit place like this, has, that is a side inaccessible remote areas inevitably!
           Without the world divine and wonderful spirit place, on the one hand the life is very short, on the other hand is impossible to have, because the world divine and wonderful spirit may be reincarnated the samsara which nourishes produces not to extinguish the soul unceasingly, the soul can accumulate th another th the experience. Will have such soul person to be also doomed, will be impossible to become the first sun level, the ancient road level powerhouse, because their practice will be in has world divine and wonderful spirit place that practice to come.
            Without the world divine and wonderful spirit place, on the one hand the life is very short, on the other hand is impossible to have, because the world divine and wonderful spirit may be reincarnated the samsara which nourishes produces not to extinguish the soul unceasingly, the soul can accumulate th another th the experience. Will have such soul person to be also doomed, will be impossible to become the first sun level, the ancient road level powerhouse, because their practice will be in has world divine and wonderful spirit place that practice to come.
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2009-03-29
Some powerhouses thought that does not have the world divine and wonderful spirit place, although does not have, but the strength powerhouse extremely may create. The life is short, then on beginning to be hightly. In a paradise person of birth is the immortal, a god birth is the god, a Saint day birth is the Saint, the chaos territory is born is also the Saint level extremely, then or chaos territory this kind of place creates one in the Saint day not to have the world divine and wonderful spirit place extremely to be hopeful.
      The life is short, but also has practices slowly, person many hopeful, time long also hopeful. 10,000,000,000th, 100,000,000,000 peoples, 110,000,000,000 years, the general meeting are born such a powerhouse.
     Therefore, some top powerhouse then created many this kinds in the Saint day not to have the world divine and wonderful spirit potential surface, did the experiment. The chaos territory environment extremely excessively is extremely bad, is not suitable. After they create this kind of potential surface, but also collects or the compilation many practice martial arts top merit knack for these place person, and creates each kind of advantage to help its growth.
           Finally, after these places create after more than 500,000 years, was born two ancient road level powerhouse, a named “Noa” female as well as a named “square boat” man. Their Confucian orthodoxy is called: “humanity”!
             At this time another extinguishes war of arrival the world, Noa, the square boat does not endure to see the world cosmic inventory are destroyed, 1,000,100,000,000 lives that died, stands firmly, in the practice comes one side the powerhouse, becomes the practice leader, by the polite name is “the person emperor”! Leads them to launch the audiences to say the war. Although they have become the ancient road level master, the strength is also very strong, but obtains enlightenment the date and time to be also short after all, although also has the very big potential, but did not have to transform completely as the strength.
            Moreover, the practice ancient road level powerhouse only then they, is overwhelmed by sheer numbers. However is following at the same time which they are born, but also has in large numbers is similarly the practice “the humanity” road level, day level, Saint level, god level powerhouse, their strength formerly these practice strength, but strove to excel are too certainly more than!
         This time extinguishes the world audiences saying that the war is all time extinguishes war in the world most frigid one time, the world cosmic inventory nearly complete disintegration, returns to the chaos, even the chaos had one big piece to annihilate. Besides the sun, the tunnel, other ancient road level powerhouse, the sun level powerhouse, the chaos clansman perish completely first, the extremely few part has a spirit to know surviving.
             That one time effect also extreme good which extinguishes the world to bring, obtained the advantage biggest is naturally the sun and is typical. Because of that war, their strength strong in was born finally by far the ancient road level powerhouse who or is restores. Because the source limits, they are impossible to embezzle all resources.
             Although the tunnel is also has no intention heartlessly, but actually compares the low key, gentle even to be possible to describe to honestly, so long as does not provoke it. But the sun has been different, the sun control desire, the cruel degree are intense, “the world is unkind, take the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing; Under the sun, is the ants” is to it most vivid portrayal.
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2009-03-29
           As soon as before person emperor Noa, the person emperor square boat as well as does the powerhouse who the practice comes to defeat the back dies, the `Pan Gu ' the human boys as well as for a long time saved with the universe between `' the level tomahawk deposit in the essence which they perished are defeated and dispersed, held into a `egg with final supernatural power Canada ', let Pan Gu breed thousand Wanzai in inside, realized from experience humanity all sorts of feelings to become aware, has ended in the ancient road level master, broken `shell '! Pan Gu has become the humanity inheritance, becomes the new generation person emperor, road of the Pan Gu is also humanity another kind of name.
            Pan Gu obtains enlightenment, but, sun leads one group of powerhouses to launch to it extinguishes kills the motion. Although Pan Gu is formidable, also some `' the level tomahawk in the hand, how is overwhelmed by sheer numbers, linked the tomahawk to break finally.
             Before the body dies, in Pan Gu from Pan Gu abstains the move of these stave `egg shell ' and the remaining essence, constructs of one mysterious incomparable taboo, the incarnation becomes place of the `Pan Gu ' Yu Shengtian. All living things which lets between the world are not having been through repeatedly the mission which perishes, spread has given the posterity. This is place of the Pan Gu origin!
              Place's of the Pan Gu taboo can be very formidable, said that the level powerhouse acts with all one's strength only then can enter. Moreover after entering, repairs extremely is also compressed for the magical powers, in here, the strength which a Saint level master can display, but also does not compare a world of mortals to cultivate true virtue the level master to use the magical powers the might.
           Place of the Pan Gu was also naturally defers to at that time was born person emperor Noa, the person emperor square boat that kind of powerhouse's environment structure to become, certainly this also had the little difference. Place of the Pan Gu has three boundary constitutions, for the Pan Gu star's east side mainland, is together the even-numbered month mainland, the Pan Gu star back also some piece of Saint territory mainland, the Saint territory mainland has the connection to have a different dimension space.
     Has been born later 1,000,000,000,000 for many years place in the Pan Gu, place of outside the Pan Gu passed through over a hundred times has plundered. Place of the Pan Gu still stands erect in here, even also once in several times extinguished the world audiences saying that in the war transported had fought the strength since birth, supported the war. Place of outside the Pan Gu may say that is place of the Pan Gu front, the Saint territory mainland is also the even-numbered month mainland front.
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2009-03-29
             Because person emperor Noa, the person emperor square boat that group of people's strength has been too terrorist, therefore the ancient road level, in the sun level powerhouse's some then forcefully break place of the Pan Gu defense to enter place of the first Pan Gu, then extinguishes world one time place of every 1,000,000 year about in the Pan Gu time. Sun, in the majority of time exist place of this stretch of world between Pan Gu, the incarnation for the control world situation “the destiny”, plays with in the major part person and the stock palm.
          Certainly, extinguishes the world place in the Pan Gu, they only could achieve extinguish massacre majority of wisdom biology this degree, the Pan Gu body died when have enlarged especially regarding theirs strength limit degree. They must exercise place in the Pan Gu extinguish the world motion, can only use other methods, but is not extinguishes directly kills, but their indeed also some are the methods.
             Because place of the Pan Gu does not have the world divine and wonderful spirit, therefore here person has not been reincarnated the samsara such one kind of phenomenon, because `the shape extinguishes, then the god disperses '! After the mortal body does not exist, the long time, most 7749 days completely will have dissipated between the world. But, in here road level master's spirit knowledge is the eternal life between this world, their spirit knows sends the mortal body ash to fly the smoke to extinguish can also be reincarnated the rebirth, after the samsara returns finally.
              These ancient road level, in the sun level master, is not first all powerhouses is stands in extinguishes world this standpoint, looks like in the practice also to have many are is wanted to extinguish powerhouse of the world to receive for the subordinate is the same. Has experienced that many in society sorrow, a lot of samsara, some cold blood's powerhouse also becomes originally even more has `the human ' the nature. They believed that all consciousness body similarly is this stretch of world universe, should all living things equality!
               My great wild goose honored is in this kind of group of powerhouses' one, did not approve this kind to extinguish the world act, was also in the past on good terms with Pan Gu, was really hits it off well with one another. Place of after the Pan Gu body Pan Gu, I handle some business, has stayed in here, becomes Pan Gu to abstain protects abstains the messenger.
               Place of the Pan Gu each time extinguishes the world, I will die in battle, afterward the samsara rebirth, after awakened, also sought for the owner who new Pan Gu abstained. Already had 1,000,000 times! I have accompanied in 1,000,000 people the dragon wind, they unusual outstanding, has written the inspiring heroic history of blood and tear really, which one time isn't the generous elegy!
                 However, I have not always given up, also not dejected. I believed that so long as place of the Pan Gu also, also hopeful, when I certainly place of the Pan Gu will present the level master that one day! 10,000 year ago extinguishes the world motion, presented the favorable turn, although has many powerhouses to perish, but place's of Pan Gu all foundations also, many precious resources can preserve.”
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2009-03-29
The Saint territory volume 002 step the fate battle path
the author: Desert day wave
            The great wild goose honored old tear vertically and horizontally, sad dark green eternally was relating all these, were saying these he had said to  minlions human beening hero's the similar words, 1,000,000,000,000 years institute accumulates sentiment of the inexhaustible vicissitudes is infecting Dugu, also changed Dugu many more, has planted a hero's solemn and stirring heart in a Dugu moral nature!
            Dugu this time also has tears streaming down the face, as soon as the moved side, honored does obeisance deeply to the great wild goose: “the even-numbered month mainland's nighttime sky, trillion stars were recounting as if the eternal story, is recording another civilized starting, another civilized demise, pair of bright moonlight like pair of bright both eyes look at this world all vicissitudes, the humans affair vicissitude.
             The nether world strength has been impelling all these. Unceasing extinguishes the world, the repeat in cycles. Once, had many world person not to extinguish outstanding for the human culture makes the difficult endeavor, but was flowing the regrettable tears conclusion life finally, helpless.
           The eternal life you in this stretch of world's, harbors inexhaustible sad dark green looks at all these, but you have not always given up struggling, you really too made one respect! As soon as please receive me to do obeisance!”
       Dugu thought now before really what blames god and man for own that bitter experience was too should not, oneself this sorrow, is extinguished with that innumerable times innocent 10,000,000,000,000,000 all living things which killed to compare, was really in is extremely tiny.
                The great wild goose honored cancels on face's old tear: “, you whether is willing to step onto road which of the mission this approaching is unable to complete?”
          Dugu: “wants! Even if this is a road of no return, even if I must give up all for it, I must walk! By my base and low strength, protects the even-numbered month mainland, to protect responsibility of place of the Pan Gu, for between vast universe's 10,000,000,000,000,000 all living things are not extinguished heartlessly kill make the resistance.”
级别: 管理员
只看该作者 9 发表于: 2009-03-29
              Great wild goose honored gratified incomparable: “is very good, Pan Gu abstains the owner is the heroic children! Even if is on owner ancient magical powers, I have not awakened the return, tells him all these, is also so. However by you at present the god level later period the crest strength, really has been too weak, if the war can only act as the cannon fodder.
              However I saw the hope on yours body!
             The Saint day knack is one unrivalled gives up study, has `not to refuse stubbornly to extinguish ' the name! On the volume heart of the Buddha knack, the last volume sky overhead knack, has the possibility to enable the human to achieve the day level within 500 years! May say that is the ultra taboo level gives up study!
            On the volume heart of the Buddha knack, is known as the `heart of the Buddha does not extinguish ', will practice in the process to have ultra strong defends `dark Jin Gangqi ' the production, the human body intensity unceasingly will also strengthen. After practice the mortal body six know cleverly, will have the `far-sighted person ' the `person who hears distant voices ' `it the heart to pass ' three big magical powers.
            The last volume sky overhead knack, is known as `day does not lost hope ', after practice can move has brings back to life, instantaneous restores the human body scar `to come back to life the knack '. Moreover can also display unique five line of `to transform ' the unique skill boundlessly.
             If not for because of it, although only then a sky overhead knack volume, I am such impossible such to be separated by in for ten thousand years to awaken. Especially `comes back to life the knack ' but has rescued  my many lifves.
           You had had were known as already the `heart of the Buddha does not extinguish ' the heart of the Buddha knack, I have am known as `day does not lost hope ' the sky overhead knack also pass to you. The ice is this merit knack produces after 10,000 years ago, first simultaneously practices two volumes people, the effect is very good, she now already was step is enthralled the level later period!

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