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To Wengyu: How to use full English add exercise dialogue

级别: 管理员
In this way that’s my full follow word exercise.
In lesson 4 "Why do you have a headache?” exercise, have 7 follow word exercise way.
1. Before the video:
Take a look, at the picture; a man or woman body has some part. Such as head, hair, eyes, throat, back, stomach, tooth, ear..... And then you practice it.
Do you remember? We learn the audio scripts dialogue. If you’re a part of body have an aches, you can add ache to say headache, stomached, backache, earache, and toothache.
If all part of your body is sore, it causes you pain and discomfort. Such as throat, finger, hand, toe and foot. It's have a painful, you can add a sore before the parts of your body: a sore throat, a sore finger, a sore hand, a sore toe, a sore foot.
For review to last read sounds, and check you can you into watch the video exercise? I give you a word, you add phrases, from the phrases make a sentence, and try to dialogue. Ready? Let’s begin.
Do you have your part of body?
Can you add the ache to this word of part body?
Can you add a sore before your all part of body?...

[295 楼] | IP: | Posted: 2006-05-09 07:45  

2. Watch the video.
Do you know how to once understand about watched the video last learn? If you see the picture, you can see the story, but you can't hear in the sentences. Only you learn these sentences with connected, and you remember it, you can really understand.
In case, you can give a condition at the start of video, end of video, and you also can look at the stop video become some picture, and watch the scene one, scene two, and scene three. Watch the video, Match with the sentence. You circle the correct answer, to dope other mistake sentences, order to check yourself whether understand or not? Right now, at the end of the video, Susan and Rita laugh because... can you talk about what’s a correct answer? Susan's weekend report is on sailing and Jake can't go near boats.
That’s great. Next to in the Vocabulary.

3. Vacabulary: Describing People.
If you describe what people look like, you can stop the video; take a look at his picture, to describe them. Such as what color is he's eyes, hair or dress? How tall is she? What’s her wearing? To describe them wearing, such as hat, blouse, belt, jacket, skirt, pants, tie, and sweater, to describe item how quantity.
You also can add ask to item how about item number? What color is it? What color is it how long is his wearing? How wide is item? How about item size? And item clothing can be small, or short, medium, and large or long, or extra large. It can also be sold by size. What is item name? How much is item? How much is price of item? And then you count total price of items. They what's he carrying? Etc. and ask and answer about yourself or from the learner each other.
In this exercise, you need to learn some vocabulary about color, completed dialogue with these words, need to change the foot and inches. if you have a new word, you can check in to the dictionary or in your study guide.
let's say the dialogue with these words. Match the people with the descriptions.

4. Grammar: Question with where, what, how, why, and who.

This is my find fourth stage a key way in the 2003. If you learn dialogue, you have to ask and answer some question in yourself, especially when you don't have any English circumstances, you take a look video, and ask some question with where, what, hoe, why, and who. This is only way of learn oral. Once understand and into dialogue with the 5w.
for example A, match the question with the answers, when you understand the video, you can repeat dialogue in yourself, and record to the Cool edit, more and more this, following your sounds and add you think about to speak, and cope the above you add writing record it, until use these question skills. Next time, you will add read sounds quickly.
If you practice these question, you also can with other learner ask and answer each other, you need to learn the grammar way influence dialogue to introduce it. You can to find question ability, but only in the book. This is just follow word exercise.
You know these exercise not look for answer, you say out what is the people asking? Fill in the problem with 5w question of where, what, how tall, or who.
All right, ready? There with go.
You can find and say a lot of "why" in the book, go ahead, let’s begin.
In this way, you don't only learn the exercise, you should be nice to audio script, have some organizational ability about language.
If you over this way, you can use the book watch the video.

5. from the video: Talking about Health.
What about Form the video? I mean it’s useful. If you want to from the video, in this exercise, you need to practice the video dialogue, use talking about heath. You also can use some way to change your ask and answers, change people to he or she, change sentences style. You think about to say what about you?
A: you watch the video, after you watch, complete the dialogue with these words: matter, cold, awful, coming back, you need to look for these words and dialogue in this lesson text.
C: you study these phrases; have to know how to describe the heath. Ask about heath, and expressing sympathy.
What about sympathy? If you refer to the sympathy, you mean, if you have sympathy for someone who is in a situation, you are sorry for them and show in the way you behave towards them and also mean you agree with someone’s ideas, and you take some action to support them.
D: If you want to write a new dialogue, you need different describe answers, you only not use to exercise, you also write the exercise way, and different dialogue.
E: If you talk about what about you? While fill this form from the medical information check yourself or not, you also use last script. Practice audio script, from one part of your body to all part of your body words. Add read sound, head ache, I have headache. Do you have a headache? Do you have sore throats? You need to from phrase to the sentences dialogue. You also learn to guide dictionary dialogue. Just you and I, you say "hi", in page p166 to practice it. You need change me and him or her to say. And you say group of dialogue, and you ready, let's begin.

6. GRAMMAR: Question with why.
In this Grammar exercise, if you use some question with why, you can ask question about people use long question, such as why are, why dose, why aren't, why aren't why can't, why doesn’t; you also can use short question with why or why not.
In this lesson, on the video, for example:
1. I have headache. Why do you have headache? Because, I have to work with jack.
2. I'm great, I'm happy. Why? because you're with me?
3. I don't want to leave you, but I don’t like it hear. Why not? Because I don't like Jake, I don't like stories about weekends, I won’t to do real news.
4. He doesn’t want to meet her. Why not? Because she's a sailing teacher. Jake gets seasick on boats. Why that's very funny? because my weekend report is on sailing.

7. Check yourself

this check yourself exercise, that's a way of exam, in the formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification. So, this exercise is sample and short as book.
You go ahead to say:
A: circle the correct answer.
1. I’m sick.
2. Rita has a bad cold.
3. He’s medium height.
4. How tall is Chris?
5. She has great eyes.
6. Why do you have a headache?
B: Circle the correct responses.
1. I have a sore throat. I'm sorry to hear that.
2. What’s the matter? I have a headache.
3. Why don't you like Jake? Because he's a conceited.
What’s mean about conceited? If you say that someone is conceited, you're showing your disapproval of the act that they are too proud of their abilities or achievements.
4. What do you do? I'm a teacher.
Above exercise, you can see the text, to say correct answer and response, if you can, you just finessed it, if you have new word, and you can check in dictionary, if you can't answer, you have to learn lesson exercise on this video.

8. Focus in: now you know how to
This is lesson focus in:
Now you know how to
talk about health: I have a cold, I have a sore throat. I have a headache.
Describe what people look like: She has blouse hair and brown eyes. She’s tall about five eight.
Ask people to state a reason: Why can't he go near boats? Because he have dizzy.
            Why are you so happy? because he like with Susan and he have a new job offer.

Now you Know 48new words and listen to the audio cassette.

[302 楼] | IP: | Posted: 2006-05-09 08:11

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