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级别: 管理员

选择词库级别千万5000英英辞典四级(新大纲)GRE(新大纲)Tofel(新大纲) ★[arch[a:t6]vt. 使成弓形]



Labor Group says China Trade Costs US Jobs
A controversial report released this week by the pro-labor Economic Policy Institute in Washington asserts that 1.6-million U.S. workers have lost their jobs because of increased trade between the United States and China.

The central finding of the report is that burgeoning U.S.-China trade has directly or indirectly reduced U.S. employment.

Some jobs were lost when factories transferred their production overseas. Others were lost when low-cost Chinese imports forced U.S. firms to close.

Economist Robert Scott, the author of the report, which examines U.S. China trade from 1989 to 2003, says the United States had assumed that job-creating exports to China would soar after Beijing implemented the free-trade measures required by World Trade Organization membership. But he says that assumption has proven false.

"Everybody assumed that the United States would lose jobs in labor intensive industries like textiles and apparel. But the opening of China that was supposed to take place after China joined the W.T.O. in 2001 should have increased our sales dramatically of high-tech products where we are supposed to have a trade advantage," he said.

That has not happened, says Mr. Scott. In fact, to the contrary, he says the United States now has a trade deficit with China in high-tech products. "At this point China alone is responsible for the entire 32-billion dollar U.S. trade deficit in high technology goods," he said.

But Daniel Griswold, a trade analyst at Washington's Republican leaning Cato Institute, says Mr. Scott's research is badly flawed. "The fundamental flaw in this kind of analysis is that they just look at jobs eliminated from import competition, but do not make any account of the jobs created from foreign investment (in the US), by access to cheaper imports. They ignore all the other factors of a big, dynamic global economy." he said.

Mr. Griswold says Mr. Scott's analysis overlooks the job eliminating impact of the 2001 economic recession and ignores the 20-million new jobs that were created in the United States during the past decade. Far from being bad for U.S. workers, Mr. Griswold says the huge volume of U.S./China trade has been good for American workers.

"One, it lowers prices at the store. Americans love to buy the kind of products made in China, shoes, clothing, toys, consumer electronics. Secondly, we benefit as producers being able to sell into the market in China, one of the few rapidly growing export markets. And then we benefit as borrowers because China is helping to finance our government deficit, by buying treasury bonds and thus keeping interest rates down."

While there is no consensus on Mr. Scott's central point about job loss due to trade with China, there is more support for his principal policy recommendation. That has to do with the exchange rate. "I think the U.S. government should take a very aggressive stance with China and should coordinate with other countries-especially Europe and Japan-to compel China to heavily re-value its currency by as much as 30- to 40-percent," he said.

China's fixed exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, which has been unchanged for nearly a decade, is thought to be unrealistically low, giving China a large price advantage in bi-lateral trade. China last year registered a huge 148-billion dollar trade surplus with the United States. But even though America buys far more from China than it sells, U.S. exports to China have risen by 75-percent since China joined the W.T.O.

Analysts agree that China-U.S. economic relations are likely to remain strained as long as the trade imbalance and the overall volume of bi-lateral trade are rising. The U.S. China economic relationship today, say the experts, closely resembles the strained ties between the U.S. and Japan of the early 1990s.


Listen Jack Welch --- Straight From the Gut
Getting Closer To the Big Leagues

Swimming in a Bigger Pond

Dennis had worked for me for two years when I was a sector executive. During that period, he demonstrated incredible smarts, courage, and versatility. He could slice and dice the smallest details of the appliance business on one day, then analyze the most complex deal at GE Capital the next.

Over his first four years in the job, he cut the finance staff in half. He led the consolidation of the 150 different payroll systems we had in the United States alone. He changed the financial management program, which used to be 90 percent finance and 10 percent general management, so that nearly half of its content was on management and leadership. And he changed our audit staff so that our auditors became business supporters, not corporate policemen.


Listen Execution--The Discipline of Getting Things Done
The People Process:

The Strategy Process: Making the Link with

If, for example, you decide to move some of your plants to low-cost countries, it's not necessary to decide on which plants too far in advance. Opening a plant in, say, China may be attractive now, but a year from today it may not be the best alternative. The point is first to get the principle across--in this case, the need to reduce costs by moving some part of the operation to a new locale. Then make a concrete decision as you move closer to the date.

Balancing the short run with the long run is thus a critical part of a strategic plan. Most plans don't address what a company has to do between the time the plan is drawn up and the time it is supposed to yield peak results. A plan that doesn't deal with the near-term issues of costs, productivity, and people makes getting from here to there unacceptably risky--and often impossible.


Common Sense on Mutual Funds


An ideal asset allocation incorporates the two most obvious dimensions of investing: risk and return. Investment costs represent a more subtle but equally critical third dimension of investing. The idea that cost rivals asset allocation in importance is not widely shared in the mutual fund industry. After all, with stocks having earned nearly 20 percent annually in the long bull market, and 30 percent annually in recent years, and with bonds yielding only about 5~ percent currently, asset allocation has dwarfed cost in importance. Costs rarely amount to much more than a few percentage points per year. So, industry lore has it that asset allocation must be given the highest priority. By ignoring the impact of costs, the industry implicitly argues that cost doesn't matter. Industry lore is wrong.


Rich dad, poor dad (富爸爸 穷爸爸)

"You mean the moment I began to picture a new baseball glove, candy and toys, that's like a carrot to a donkey?" Mike asked.
"Yeah. And as you get older, your toys get more expensive. A new car, a boat and a big house to impress your friends," said rich dad with a smile. "Fear pushes you out the door, and desire calls to you. Enticing you toward the rocks. That's the trap."

"So what's the answer," Mike asked.

"What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. That is why rich people with lots of money often have more fear the richer they get. Money is the carrot, the illusion. If the donkey could see the whole picture, it might rethink its choice to chase the carrot."

Rich dad went on to explain that a human's life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination.

He explained that once a person stops searching for information and knowledge of one's self, ignorance sets in. That struggle is a moment-to-moment decision-to learn to open or close one's mind.


Who Moved My Cheese? : The Story

He knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all.

He had to admit that the biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets better until you change.

Perhaps most importantly, he realized that there is always New Cheese out there whether you recognize it at the time, or not. And that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the adventure.

He knew some fear should be respected, as it can keep you out of real danger. But he realized most of his fears were irrational and had kept him from changing when he needed to.


The Buffettology 巴菲特原则

The competitive advantage creates the earning power that ensures Warren of the company's ability to pull itself out of any trouble to which its stock price may fall prey. The durability of the competitive advantage absolutely guarantees that the company will add to his fortune over the long term. Two types of businesses possess competitive advantage in the business world: those that produce a unique product and those that provide a unique service.

Competitive advantage created by producing a unique product.

Competitive advantage created by providing a unique service.

At the right price Warren is interested in owning either type of business as long as the competitive advantage--the product or service--is durable.

Durability of the competitive advantage is the key to under-standing Warren's selective contrarian investment philosophy. This fundamental concept has confused would-be Buffettologists for years, so let's begin there. We'll first explain Warren's concept of the competitive advantage, then we will focus on how you deter-mine whether the competitive advantage is durable. Then we will explain how a durable competitive advantage is created by selling a unique product or service. And last, we will teach you how to identify one of these super businesses and where you can look to find them.


Take on the street   (较量华尔街)

Buffett applied some of his down-home common sense to help de-jargonize mutual fund legalese. I asked him to rewrite this turgid paragraph from a fund prospectus:

Maturity and duration management decisions are made in the context of an intermediate maturity orientation. The maturity structure of the portfolio is adjusted in anticipation of cyclical interest rate changes. Such adjustments are not made in an effort to capture short-term, day-to-day movements in the market, but instead are implemented in anticipation of longer term, secular shifts in the levels of interest rates (i.e., shifts transcending and/or not inherent to the business cycle)..


  Anatomy of greed   (解剖贪婪--安然内幕)

that it had “more information” (read “more of the truth”) about the off-balance sheet transactions.

Enron and Arthur Andersen had determined, among other things that many of the off-balance sheet entities should have been part of the publicly disclosed financial statements. More specifically, the financial impact of JEDI, Chew co, and LJMI needed to be factored in.

The summary of the adjustments released by Enron was as follows:

Year       Reduced Income     Increased Debt

1997       $96 million         $ 711 million  

1998       113 million      



Delegation basics


You need a certain amount of physical coordination in order to complete the task of washing dishes successfully. It is unlikely that you would delegate the task of dish washing to an individual who has a tendency to drop things and has limited fine and gross motor skills. You will be a more effective delegator if you know the elements involved in the tasks you are delegating.

Think for a moment about the different skills that might be required by your employees to complete the tasks you delegate to them. Does task completion require mental strength, a defined sense of physical coordination, or excellent interpersonal skills?

Delegated tasks contain one or more of the following elements: mental, physical, and interpersonal.

You should know what elements are involved in the tasks you are delegating. Knowing this will help you delegate the tasks to the appropriate employees. It will also increase your awareness of what type of guidance your employees may require to achieve successful task completion.

Tasks that require mental processes are those which involve using cognitive skills or, to put it more simply, the brain. Problem solving is a prime example of a task that requires mental strength to be completed successfully.

Julio is a researcher with Etoile, a large cosmetics company. Ramona is the director of research and development. She has delegated Julio the task of researching and writing a report focusing on alpha hydroxyl acids in skin creams. He is to examine and compile the clinical findings of alpha hydroxyl levels and their impact on wrinkle reduction. Julio will be primarily using mental processes to complete this task. Ramona makes this clear to him when she is delegating the task to ensure it is completed successfully.

Examples of tasks that require mental processes are:

logical thinking

decision making

planning ability.

From the following list, identify those tasks which will require primarily mental processes to successfully complete. Select all that apply.

moving office furniture

planning five year goals for the sales branch

deciding which colors will look best in the organization’s logo

researching new products for development

(key: 2 3 4 )

Some delegated tasks require a great deal of physical activity for successful completion. Physical activities can involve gross motor skills like walking and lifting or fine motor skills such as those used in keyboarding and writing.
Business Skills Course Library

--Moving from Product Selling to Solution Selling
--Understanding Conflict
--Planning Effective Business Meetings
--Financial Statements and Analysis
--The Negotiation Process
--Delegation Basics


Delegation basics
Course Overview

The Effects of Delegation: Why Delegate?
---Lesson Overview
---How Delegation Impacts you
---How Delegation Impacts Your Employees
---How Delegation Impacts Your Organization

Preparing Yourself to Delegate
---Lesson Overview
---Why You Might Hesitate to Delegate
---Develop Your Delegating Style
---Develop Your Delegating Attitude

Delegation Specifics
---Lesson Overview
---Delegation Skills
---Attributes of a Delegated Task
---Deciding What Tasks to Delegate
---Elements of a Delegated Task

[楼 主] | Posted:2005-01-18 18:43|  


级别: Duke
精华: -1
发帖: 2910
威望: 1114 点
金钱: 3086
贡献值: 0 点

选择词库级别千万5000英英辞典四级(新大纲)GRE(新大纲)Tofel(新大纲) ★[connect[k2'nekt]vt. 连接]



Anatomy of greed (384) (解剖贪婪--安然内幕)

World Pledges $2 Billion as Tsunami Death Toll Rises
Sri Lankan men carry a container of petroleum to burn the body of a victim of the tsunami disaster Despite a massive outpouring of donations, emergency aid for the victims of last week's devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean basin is only just beginning to trickle into some of the hardest hit regions. Although some relief groups expressed frustration with the delays, United Nations officials say they expect to be able to help the vast majority of those affected.

Pledges for tsunami disaster relief efforts topped $2 billion, the U.N. undersecretary general in charge of emergency relief said Saturday. According to Jan Egeland, more than 40 countries have donated funds for short-term recovery efforts and long-term reconstruction. Japan has so far made the largest pledge of $500 million, while the United States has promised $350 million.

But nearly a week after the massive tsunami rolled across the Indian Ocean, Mr. Egeland warned that hunger and disease remain the biggest threat to the survivors. He said emergency relief efforts have been hampered by the destruction of roads, bridges and airports in the affected areas. "We need helicopter carriers. We need ships with helicopters that can be outside of the coasts and not clog further up the airstrips where you see inland. Several countries, including the United States, Australia and India, are already helping in this," he said.

In Indonesia, two American helicopters sent from the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln landed in Banda Aceh, a provincial capital on Sumatra Island, bringing food and medical supplies to one of the hardest hit areas.

President Bush said they are part of the largest relief effort mounted by the U.S. military in recent times. "More than 20 patrol and cargo aircraft have been made available to assess the disaster and deliver relief supplies - many of those aircraft are already on the scene. We have dispatched the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln, the maritime pre-positioning squadron from Guam and an amphibious ship carrying a Marine Expeditionary Unit. They will soon be in position to support relief efforts, to include the generation of clean water," he said.

In his weekly radio address, the president said Americans stand ready to help. According to Mr. Bush, a U.S. delegation leaves for Southeast Asia Sunday to meet with regional leaders and international organizations to assess what additional aid the United States can provide. "The delegation will be led by Secretary of State Colin Powell and Governor Jeb Bush, who has extensive experience in the state of Florida with relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts following natural disasters," he said.

United Nations officials said the death toll is approaching 150,000 and that an estimated five-million people are homeless from last week's catastrophic tsunami. According to the U.N.'s Jan Egeland, it may be impossible to get a final casualty figure. "I said yesterday that 150,000 would be my estimate. I am sure it will be higher than that. But I'm also sure we will never know how many people were washed to sea and will never ever be found," he said.

Mr. Egeland says Sumatra and Aceh are the hardest hit and up to three-fourths of all casualties may have occurred there.

According to VOA's Nancy-Amelia Collins, who is on the ground in Aceh, a lack of fuel and manpower is hampering relief efforts there. "From what some of the aid workers are saying, you can go up to the airport, and you can see aid just lying in there. They are saying they do not have the trucks, they do not have the petrol for the trucks, they do not have the people to ferry the aid to the refugees. They also say they do not have a clear idea of how many refugees there actually are - not only in Banda Aceh itself - but in the surrounding, outlying areas," she said.

Meanwhile, aftershocks continue to rattle the region with a magnitude 6.5 quake recorded off the coast of Sumatra. The U.S. Pacific Command said the aftershocks have not affected the military's distribution of aid.


Jack Welch --- Straight From the Gut
Getting Closer To the Big Leagues

Swimming in a Bigger Pond

When we finally got the right people in all the key places, the game changed quickly. Let me illustrate what putting the right person at the top can do. I can't think of a better example than our appointment of Dennis Dammerman as chief financial officer in March of 1984.

By appointing Dennis to the job, I wanted him to lead his own revolution. When I asked him to become chief financial officer, he was general manager of GE Capital's real estate division. He had never made a presentation to the board of directors. He was only 38 years old, which made him the youngest CFO in the company's history.


Execution--The Discipline of Getting Things Done
The People Process:

The Strategy Process: Making the Link with

Are the Short Term and the Long Term Balanced?

Strategy planning needs to be conducted in real time, connected to shifts in the competitive environment and the business's own changing strengths and weaknesses. This means defining the mission in the short to medium term as well as in the long term. Breaking the mission down into these chunks will help bring reality to the plan―thinking about what will deliver results in the short and medium term will give you an anchor to build for the future.

Anything, from customer preferences to cash flows, can change in mere moments. Businesses have to prepare themselves to adapt to an economy of constant change. In developing your plan, you need to look ahead to landscapes that are more likely than not to change before your plan can come to fruition.



Common Sense on Mutual Funds

Fine-Tuning Your Balance

What might dictate moderate shifts in tactical asset allocation? One example: concern that stocks are substantially overvalued relative to bonds. Then, investors with conviction, courage, and discipline might benefit from a bow toward caution. I say "bow," not "capitulation." In an inevitably uncertain world, the reduction should not exceed 15 percentage points in your equity position. If you have 65 percent of your portfolio in equities, retain at least 50 percent; if 50 percent, at least 35 percent, and so on. A little caution may represent simple prudence, and, if you are relatively risk-averse, may enable you to sleep better, a blessing that is hardly trivial. One doesn't have to have investment experience to recognize the wisdom in this saying, from a remarkably parallel field: "There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots."


Rich dad, poor dad

"So you've been talking about the fear of not having money. How does the desire of money affect our thinking?" Mike asked.
"How did you feel when I tempted you with a pay raise? Did you notice your desires rising?"

We nodded our heads.

"By not giving in to your emotions, you were able to delay your reactions and think. That is most important. We will always have emotions of fear and greed. From here on in, it is most important for you to use those emotions to your advantage and for the long term, and not simply let your emotions run you by controlling your thinking. Most people use fear and greed against themselves. That's the start of ignorance. Most people live their lives chasing paychecks, pay raises and job security because of the emotions of desire and fear, not really questioning where those emotion-driven thoughts are leading them. It's just like the picture of a donkey, dragging a cart, with its owner dangling a carrot just in front of the donkey's nose. The donkey's owner may be going where he wants to go, but the donkey is chasing an illusion. Tomorrow there will only be another carrot for the donkey."


Who Moved My Cheese? : The Story

When the situation changed and the Cheese had been moved, they changed and moved with the Cheese. He would remember that.

Haw had also used his wonderful brain to do what Littlepeople do better than mice.

He envisioned himself--in realistic detail--finding something better--much better.

He reflected on the mistakes he had made in the past and used them to plan for his future. He knew that you could learn to deal with change.

You could be more aware of the need to keep things simple, be flexible, and move quickly.

You did not need to overcomplicate matters or confuse yourself with fearful beliefs.

You could notice when the little changes began so that you would be better prepared for the big change that might be coming.

Listen T

he Buffettology 巴菲特原则

During the dotcom bubble, as the entire world waxed on about the virtues of the "new economy," Warren remarked that the key to investing was to focus on the competitive advantage of the business and the durability of that advantage rather than how much a business could change society or grow. It is the competitive advantage of a company that allows it to earn monopoly like profits. It is the durability of the competitive advantage--the company's ability to withstand competitive attacks--that determines whether it will be able to maintain its competitive advantage and earn monopoly-like profits well into the future.


Take on the street
After several surveys and even a few focus groups--efforts that the Investment Company Institute, the industry’s trade group, derided as pseudo-scientific-we realized that most investors were even more befuddled than we had imagined.

Years earlier, the SEC had tried, with only limited success, to simplify the language in the fund prospectus. Fund documents were stilted in part because of rigid SEC rules on what a prospectus must say to comply with the Investment Company Act of 1940, which governs mutual funds.

Once again, Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, was a crucial ally, this time in a renewed attempt to make fund documents more lucid.



  Anatomy of greed

Dynegy had always been, for lack of a better word, Enron’s “bitch” in the world of energy trading. I knew a few people there; in fact I had already sent some resumes over. We would have preferred GE Capital. We would have preferred to remain Enron.

First came a phone call from my baseball fanatic brother. He called to ask me if the name of Enron Field would change. As if I would know.

Then came an e-mail from Bickers:


The last on is my favorite…




Geritol DyEn (pronounced Dyin)

----Bickers I wasn’t amused.

In the earnings restatement, Enron officially reported to the SEC and to the world


Delegation basics


Almost as soon as Jim receives the resources he needs for task completion, he begins to meet and surpass his sales goals. Jim no longer feels frustrated and unmotivated. He now niews the tasks delegated to him as completely reasonable and attainable.

Only tasks that are relevant to an employee’s position should be delegated. Employees completing the tasks should be able to see the relevance of these tasks to feel a heightened sense of purpose.

Roberta is a distributor with Prug Pharmaceuticals. She is delegated the tasks of transporting stock from the warehouse to retail outlets and assisting with the unloading of stock. Her tasks are clear and relevant to her position as a distributor. Her supervisor kept the components of the tasks to a minimum. Click the graphics below to see the results of this.

Roberta knows she is expected to deliver stock according to set standards. She understands that the standards are relevant because they ensure successful distribution.

Roberta feels increased motivation levels because she can see the relevance of delivering stock on time and ensuring shipment forms are properly signed.

Paula is a new area supervisor for Gamut Microsystems. She has just completed a training program on management effectiveness. She is in the process of completing a final evaluation. One of the questions she must answer asks her to identify the attributes delegated tasks should have. What should her response contain? Select all that apply. Delegated tasks should be:

Possible to accomplish.

Pertinent. up to date.

clear and precise.


(key: 1 2 4 5 )

It is important to assess tasks for delegation. One of the optimum ways to ascertain that delegated tasks are completed successfully is to ensure that they have the attributes examined in this topic. You are now able to recognize whether or not a task is specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant. Your delegation skills are expanding for the better.
Business Skills Course Library

--Moving from Product Selling to Solution Selling
--Understanding Conflict
--Planning Effective Business Meetings
--Financial Statements and Analysis
--The Negotiation Process
--Delegation Basics


Delegation basics
Course Overview

The Effects of Delegation: Why Delegate?
---Lesson Overview
---How Delegation Impacts you
---How Delegation Impacts Your Employees
---How Delegation Impacts Your Organization

Preparing Yourself to Delegate
---Lesson Overview
---Why You Might Hesitate to Delegate
---Develop Your Delegating Style
---Develop Your Delegating Attitude

Delegation Specifics
---Lesson Overview
---Delegation Skills
---Attributes of a Delegated Task
---Deciding What Tasks to Delegate
---Elements of a Delegated Task

[1 楼] | Posted:2005-01-18 18:58|  


级别: Duke
精华: -1
发帖: 2910
威望: 1114 点
金钱: 3086
贡献值: 0 点

选择词库级别千万5000英英辞典四级(新大纲)GRE(新大纲)Tofel(新大纲) ★[imminent['imin2nt]a. 即将发生的;逼近的]



Global research highlights -- Chinese (2005-01-12) Global research highlights -- Chinese (2005-01-12)

Global research highlights(2005-01-7)


Global research highlights -- Chinese (2005-01-5)

Global research highlights(2004-12-23)

Fund manager survey(2004-12-14)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-12-8)
Global research highlights(2004-12-3)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-12-1)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-11-24)
Global research highlights(2004-11-19)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-11-17)
Global research highlights(2004-11-12)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-11-10)
Global research highlights(2004-11-5)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-11-3)
Global research highlights(2004-10-29)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-10-28)
Global research highlights(2004-10-22)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-10-6)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-7-21)
Fund manager survey(2004-7-13)
Global research highlights(2004-6-18)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2004-6-16)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-6-16)
Fund manager survey(2004-6-15)
Global research highlights(2004-5-14)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2004-5-17)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-6-2)
Fund manager survey(2004-5-18)
Global research highlights(2004-5-3)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2004-5-3)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2004-3-3)
Fund manager survey(2004-2-17)
Global research highlights(2004-1-30)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2004-1-30)
2004--the Year Ahead-- Chinese (2004-1-1)
2004--the Year Ahead (2004-1-1)
Global emerging markets (2004-1-1)
Pacific Rim Equities (2004-1-1)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-12-20)
Global research highlights(2003-12-20)
Fund manager survey(2003-12-20)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-12-20)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-12-5)
Global research highlights(2003-12-5)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-12-5)
Fund manager survey(2003-12-5)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-11-1)
Global research highlights(2003-11-1)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-11-1)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-10-26)
Global research highlights(2003-10-26)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-10-26)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-10-18)
Global research highlights(2003-10-18)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-10-18)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-10-8)
Global research highlights(2003-10-8)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-10-8)
Fund manager survey(2003-9-20)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-9-20)
Global research highlights(2003-9-20)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-9-20)
Fund manager survey(2003-8-20)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-8-20)
Global research highlights(2003-8-20)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-8-20)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-8-5)
Global mid-year perspective -- Chinese (2003-8-5)
Global research highlights(2003-8-5)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-8-5)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-7-28)
Global research highlights(2003-7-25)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-7-25)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-7-25)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-7-25)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-7-16)
Global research highlights(2003-7-16)
Fund manager survey(2003-7-16)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-7-16)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-7-16)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-7-16)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-6-26)
Global research highlights(2003-6-26)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-6-26)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-6-26)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-6-26)
Global research highlights(2003-6-20)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-6-20)
The Portfolio Managers' Review (2003-6-20)
Fund manager survey(2003-6-17)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-6-13)
Global research highlights(2003-6-13)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-6-13)
Global research highlights(2003-6-6)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-6-6)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-6-4)
Global research highlights(2003-5-30)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-5-30)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-5-29)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-5-28)
Global research highlights(2003-5-23)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-5-23)
Global research highlights(2003-5-16)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-5-16)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-5-16)
Fund manager survey(2003-5-13)
Global research highlights(2003-5-9)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-5-9)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-5-9)
Strategies for global debt markets(2003-5-9)
Global research highlights(2003-4-25)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-4-25)
CIO survey (2003-4-25)
Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-4-25)
Global research highlights -- Chinese (2003-4-19)

Fund manager survey(2003-4-19)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-4-19)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-4-19)

Global research highlights(2003-4-11)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-4-11)

Global research highlights(2003-4-4)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-4-4)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-4-4)

Global research highlights(2003-3-28)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-3-28)

Global research highlights(2003-3-21)

Fund manager survey(2003-3-18)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-3-21)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-3-20)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-3-14)

Global research highlights(2003-3-14)

Global research highlights(2003-3-7)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-3-7)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-3-6)

Fund manager survey(2003-2-21)

Global research highlights(2003-2-21)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-2-21)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-2-20)

Global research highlights(2003-2-14)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2003-2-7)

Strategies for global debt markets(2003-2-6)

Fund manager survey(2003-1-21)

Global research highlights(2002-12-20)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-12-20)

Fund manager survey(2002-12-16)

Global research highlights(2002-12-13)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-12-13)

Strategies for global debt markets(2002-12-12)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-12-6)

Global research highlights(2002-12-6)

Global research highlights(2002-11-22)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-11-22)

Global research highlights(2002-11-15)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-11-15)

Strategies for global debt markets(2002-11-14)

Fund manager survey(2002-11-12)

Global research highlights(2002-11-8)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-11-8)

Global research highlights(2002-11-1)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-11-1)

Strategies for global debt markets(2002-10-31)

Investing in a bear market(2002-10-29)

Global research highlights(2002-10-25)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-10-25)

TechStrat Survey(2002-10-24)

Global research highlights(2002-10-18)

3Q02 analyst conference call(2002-10-16)

Strategies for global debt markets(2002-10-16)

3Q02 report(2002-10-16)

3Q02 report(2002-10-16)

Fund manager survey(2002-10-15)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-10-11)

Global research highlights(2002-10-11)

Global research highlights(2002-10-4)

Weekly wisdom for technology investors(2002-10-4)

Strategies for global debt markets(2002-10-3)

Global research highlights(2002-9-27)

Fund manager survey(2002-9-17)

A reference of how equity reports have changed (2002-9-5)

Research excellence(2002-9)

[2 楼] | Posted:2005-01-18 19:06|

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