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级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2008-04-03
BOOK FOUR Lesson 11
BOOK FOUR Lesson 11   
It was given to me over forty years ago.

BEN: I tell you it isn't right.
PHILIP: Now, Ben, I don't see any problem with this.
BEN: It was changed.
PHILIP: Changed? How?
BEN: It was given to me over forty years ago. I know it like the back of my hand. It was signed with a different mark.
PHILIP: Now, Ben, relax.
BEN: Something's wrong here, Philip, and I'm going to find out what it is!
BEN: Hello?. . . Yes. . . All right, I'll be right down.

TONY: It doesn't sound odd to me.
DIANA: My uncle was in a very strange mood. Oh, I know Uncle Ben is difficult to get along with. But I have a bad feeling about that argument this afternoon. I wonder what it was about.
TONY: Diana, don't worry about it. Look, it's late. I have to go. Are we still going to get together Saturday?
DIANA: Hello?
BEN: Diana, I have to talk to you.
DIANA: Uncle Ben? What is it?
BEN: I have to show someone. I know you'll understand.
DIANA: Show me what? What's going on?
BEN: Just get over here right away. I'm at the museum.
DIANA: But Uncle Ben. . .
BEN: I have proof!
TONY: What was that all about?
DIANA: It's Uncle Ben. He wants me to go over to the museum.
TONY: Now? It's almost midnight.
DIANA: He was really upset. I have to go.
TONY: I'm going with you.

DIANA: Hello? Is anyone here?
TONY: Maybe he went home.
DIANA: And left the lights on? You know he never wastes a penny.
TONY: Maybe he went home, Diana. Maybe he left a note for you. . . Why don't we try to call him at home?
TONY: What is it?
DIANA: Uncle Ben!. . . Is he dead?
TONY: I'll call an ambulance.
OPERATOR: Emergency.
TONY: Yes. I want to report an accident.
OPERATOR: What kind of accident, sir?
TONY: A man was injured.
OPERATOR: Where are you?
TONY: I'm at the Morris Museum at 1406 Bedford Street.
DIANA: Oh, Tony, I think he's dead.
TONY: It looks like he was hit on the head.
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 11 发表于: 2008-04-03
BOOK FOUR Lesson12
BOOK FOUR Lesson12
Was anything stolen from this room?

DETECTIVE STONE: So you say the outside door was closed when you got here?
TONY: That's right.
DETECTIVE STONE: And this window was closed?
TONY: Yes.
DETECTIVE STONE: Then how did you get in? The museum was locked up hours ago.
DIANA: I was given an extra key when I started working here.
DETECTIVE STONE: Who else was given a key?
DIANA: Well. . . there's Lisa, the secretary. . . And Mr. Tate, of course.
DETECTIVE STONE: Yes, I called him. You can go now. I'll call you if I need any more information.
DIANA: Are you going to catch the person who did this, Detective? My uncle was a good man.
DETECTIVE STONE: Believe me, Miss Morris, I'm going to do everything I can.
TONY: Come on, Diana.
DETECTIVE STONE: You are. . . ?
PHILIP: Philip Tate.
DETECTIVE STONE: Thank you for coming at this late hour, Mr. Tate. I'm Detective Stone. I need your help.
PHILIP: Of course. But I don't know how I can help. I don't understand how a terrible crime like this could happen.
DETECTIVE STONE: We think the museum was entered at midnight. The killer came to this office, where he was surprised by Mr. Morris. Mr. Morris was knocked down, and then he was hit on the head behind the desk here.
PHILIP: Is he. . . ?
DETECTIVE STONE: The body was taken away an hour and a half ago.
DETECTIVE STONE: Mr. Morris was seen with you this afternoon. Is that right?
PHILIP: Yes. Say, you don't think I had anything to do with this terrible crime.
DETECTIVE STONE: I'm just asking questions, Mr. Tate.
PHILIP: Yes, of course.
DETECTIVE STONE: Was anything stolen from this room?
PHILIP: I have to look at the entire collection. That's the only way to be sure.
DETECTIVE STONE: Well, you're the expert. Can you do that in the morning?
PHILIP: Of course, Detective. Anything you need.
TONY: Detective, can I talk to you for a moment?
TONY: We think Mr. Tate had something to do with this.
DIANA: I told you about my uncle's phone call. He was so angry. And I think he was angry at Mr. Tate.
DETECTIVE STONE: Did your uncle use Mr. Tate's name?
DIANA: Well, no.
DETECTIVE STONE: I need facts, Miss Morris. I can only work with facts.
DIANA: Detective--
DETECTIVE STONE: Let the police handle this, Miss Morris. We'll look at all the possibilities.
DIANA: I hope you do, Detective. . . I hope you do.

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