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级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2008-04-03
BOOK NINE Lesson 11
BOOK NINE Lesson 11
I hope they get married.

Sam: So that's my announcement. I've bought a new station in California. Mar ia has decided to come with me. I've sold my share of WEFL to Peter Case.
He wished he could be here to meet you. I wish he could be here today too. But I hope you'll all be happy with him.
Mike: Congratulations on your new station, Sam.
Steven: Maria, congratulations on your new job.
Mike: I hope you like California, Maria. I hope you're happy at the new station. But I wish you were staying at WEFL. I'm going to miss you.
Maria : Thanks, Mike. I wish you could come to California with us.
Mike: No. I'm happy here.
Connie : I wish California weren't so far away from Stamford.
Jake: I wish Stamford were in California. Imagine a beach right outside the office. Seriously, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving.
Maria : I hope you'll all come to visit me sometime.
Sam: If you have any questions, come to my office this afternoon. Right now, I'm taking Maria to lunch to celebrate. . Are you ready to go, Maria?
Maria : Go ahead, Sam. I'll meet you in a few minutes.
Maria : I wish you didn't all look so worried.
Mike: We're just surprised. We'll be all right.
Maria : OK. I'll see you after lunch.
Jake: The sale of the station is a big story.
Steven: Yeah. I just wish this weren't happening.
Connie : I hope Peter Case is nice.
Jake: So do I.
Steven: I hope he likes the show as it is.
Mike: So do I.
Jake: I've read about him in the newspaper. He's bought a lot of other stations. He has a lot of money.
Steven: I hope he doesn't cancel the show.
Connie : So do I.
Mike: If I were the new owner, I wouldn't cancel it.
Connie : Neither would I. It's a great show.
Jake: But he might bring new people with him. New directors, new reporters, and camera people.
Mike: I wouldn't mind new people on the show.
Connie : Neither would I. We could use some help, especially with Maria leaving.
Steven: I've got an idea. Let's ask Maria to stay.
Jake: Yes!
Connie : No. I wouldn't ask her.
Mike: Neither would I. She's very happy with Sam. I hope they get married.
Connie : So do I.
Steven: It's a good move for Maria. But I hope the new owner is OK. If we could meet him, I'd feel better.
Jake: So would I. If I met him, I'd try to interview him for a business story.
Steven: I'd be very interested in hearing that story.
Connie & Mike: So would I!
Maria : Sam, they all look so worried. I'd be worried too.
Sam: S would I.
Maria : I hope they feel better after they met the new owner. I wish there was something I could do.
Sam: Show them this telegram.
Maria : A telegram? I hope it's not bad news.
Sam: It's good news. Here, read it. It's from the new owner. It's for the staff of"Hello America. "
Maria : " I wish I could be there to congratulate you. . . "Oh, this is great news. He likes the show and wants to keep it the way it is.
If I'm leaving, he hopes that Steven will take my place as producer. Oh, Sam this will make Steven very happy.
Sam: I hope the others will feel better too.
Maria : So do I.
Sam: Let's have a party.
Maria : Sam, that's a great idea! I'll wait until the party to tell Steven about his new job.
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 11 发表于: 2008-04-03
BOOK NINE Lesson 12
BOOK NINE Lesson 12
I wish i knew what this was about

Steven: I just got a memo from Maria.
Mike: So did I. She wants us to be on the set at five thirty.
Steven: I wish I knew what this was about. Do you know?
Mike: No, I don't. If I knew, I'd tell you.
Connie : Maybe Maria has news about our new owner.
Mike: I don't know, but I'd be here at five thirty. And I'd be on time if I were you.
Connie : So would I.
Connie : Have you had any luck looking for a new job?
Steven: I had a very good interview at a station last week. I hope a job opens up there soon. They told me to call them again in a few months .
Connie : If they weren't interested in you, they wouldn't say that. I wouldn't give up if I were you.
Steven: No. I'm not giving up, but I hope I find something soon. See you at five thirty.
Connie : For the mystery meeting.
Steven: I wish I knew what this meeting was about. I have no idea.
Connie : Neither do I.
Mike: Now everyone's here but Maria.
Connie : And Jake. I hope he's coming.
Mike: So do I. I wish he'd get here.
Steven: I wish she'd get here.
Jake: Sorry I'm late. I had an important phone call. Where's Maria?
Maria : I'm coming. Please don't leave. Please wait one more second. I hope you'll forgive me when you. . . see. . . this.
Maria : Surprise! For the best news team I've ever worked with. Mike, Steven, Connie, Jake, this is for you.
Mike: What for?
Sam: Blow out the candles. Then ask questions.
Steven: Nice cake, but I wish someone would explain.
Maria : Well, I want to thank you for all your good work during the years we've been at WEFL together. And Sam has an important telegram to read to you.
Sam: This is from the new owner. He says, "I wish I could be there to congratulate you. You produce an excellent news show.
I plan to make no big changes in the staff or in the show, except for one thing. . . .
Jake, Steven, Mike & Connie : Yes?
Sam: Because Maria is leaving, I hope that Steven Winn will take her place as producer of the show.
Maria : Of course you'll get a raise.
Mike: I hope you'll accept the job, Steven.
Connie : So do I!
Steven: I will !I will!
Maria : Congratulations, Steven.
Sam: There's more good news.
Maria : There is?
Sam: Just before the party began, I got a phone call. "Hello America" won two U. S. A. News Awards. One for Connie's show on education and employment.
Sam: And one for Jake for his reports on International Computer.
Maria : Sam, I didn't know.
Sam: Good. I hope you're surprised. I wanted you to have a surprise at your own surprise party.
Sam: Here's to the best news show in America.
Maria : And here's to the best news team.
Maria : Connie, you did a lot of good reporting on that show. You should be proud.
Jake: Here's to Connie, the best reporter at WEFL.
Connie : Oh, Jake, you're a great reporter.
Jake: Yes, but maybe not at WEFL. I have an announcement too.
Maria : I hope you'll tell us right now.
Jake: I got a job offer from WBIG in New York.
Maria : Congratulations, Jake. But the new owner needs you. Don't move to New York.
Mike: I wouldn't move to New York. I like it here in Stamford.
Jake: So do I. . . I'll see.
Connie : If Mike and Steven weren't staying at WEFL, I wouldn't want to stay.
Maria : Don't forget your award, Connie. You may have plenty of job offers at bigger stations. . .
I'm sure WEFL will continue to be a great station. . . I'll miss you all. . . . Here's to a great team.
ALL: Here's to WEFL, a great team!
Connie : We'll miss you, Maria.
Steven: Well, I hope someone cuts the cake soon. I'm hungry.
Jake: So am I.

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