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级别: 新手上路

Lesson8. Is there a romantic French restaurant in this town?  Lset istrmtcfcrsttitst


Steven: Where's the post office?  wstpsfc
Carol: It's here,  ith
between the hospital and the theater.  btthsbtattt
Steven: Where's the drugstore?  wstdgstr
Linda: Over here. Right, Carol?  Ovt.rt,cr
Carol: Yes. The drugstore is across from the post office.  Ys.tdgstrisaftpstc
Steven: Excuse me?  excsm
Carol: It's across form the post office  isacsftpstfc
    next to the park.  nttpk
Steven: So, is there a bank in this town?  S,istbkitst
Carol: There are three banks in this town.  tatrbksitst
    One is on Main Street,    insnmnstt
    one is next to the school,    onsnxttsc
and there is one behind the hotel.  atsobhtht
Steven: There isn't any money in this bank.  tistnmnitsbks
Carol: Very funny.  Vrfn
  Here, this is for you. H,tssfy
Steven: What is it?  wts
Carol: It's a dollar for coffee and a donut.  Istdlfcofaddt
Steven: Thanks.  tks
Carol: Ok. Linda?  Ko.ld
Linda: Yes?  Ys?
Carol: Who's the host? hsths
Linda: It's a secret.  Itscrt
Carol: OK.  ok
Jake: Hi, Carol.  H,cr
Carol: Hello, Jake.  Hl,jk
Jake: What's this?  wtts
Carol: It's a model. itmd
Jake: What's it for?  wtif
Carol: It's for the show on cities.  Isftswcts
Jake: Interesting. What's this?  Itst,wtts
Carol: It's the post office.  ittpstfc
    This is the hotel.  tsstht
Jake: Is there a restaurant in this town?  Istrrsttitst
Carol: There are there restaurants in this town.  tatrrsttitst
Jake: Where are they? wat
Carol: One restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Park Lane.
Jake: What kind of restaurant is it?  Wkrstts
Carol: It's a Chinese restaurant.  itcnsrstr
    There's also a restaurant on Park Lane behind the bank.  tsasrsttpklbhtbk
Jake: Is it a Chinese restaurant too?  istcnsrstt
Carol: No, it isn't. n, ist
Jake: What kind of restaurant is it?  Wkdrstts
Carol: It's Italian.  ititl
Jake: Is there a romantic French restaurant in this town?  istrmtcfcrsttitst
Carol: No, there isn't. n,tist
Jake: Is there a Spanish restaurant in this town?  istspnsrsttitst
Carol: What kind of Spanish restaurant? wkspnsrstt
Jake: A beautiful Spanish restaurant. abtfspnsrstt
Carol: Yes, there is. Ys,tis
    It's beautiful. itbtf
Jake: Is the food good?  istfdgd
Carol: Very good. vrgd
Jake: Is it romantic? istrmtc
Carol: Yes, it's romantic. ys,itrmtc
Jake: Where is the romantic restaurant, Carol?  Wistrmtcrstt,cr
Carol: This way.  tsw
    On the Conner of Main Street and Park Lane.  otcnmnsttapkln
Jake: Does Susan like Spanish food?  dssslkspnsfd
Carol: Susan? My name isn't Susan.  Ss?mnmitss.
    My name is Carol,  mnmiscr,
    and I'm leaving!  adimllvn
Susan: Hi, Jake?  H,jk?
Where's John?  wsJ?
Jake: John? He isn't here. J?hish
Susan: What's this?  wtts
Jake: It's a model for the show on cities.  itamdftswcts
Susan: Oh, interesting.  O,itst
Jake: There's a good Spanish restaurant in this town.  Tsgspnrsttitst
susan: That's nice.  ttnc
Jake: It's very romantic. itvrrmtc
Susan: Really? This restaurant?  Rl,tsrstrt
Jake: Dinner? Dn?
Susan: It isn't my kind of restaurant, Jake. Itismkdrstt,jk
    No, thanks.  N,tks.
this is the end of lesson eight.    tsstedlset
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2008-12-28

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